Pt 1: Brianna

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"Ringgg ringg ringg"

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I get up and get ready. I take a shower, get dressed, and do my makeup and hair. After I'm ready I walk downstairs, I open the fridge and as usual my mom made me breakfast. Orange juice and a blueberry muffin. I eat breakfast and walk upstairs and brush my teeth. Then grab my backpack, say bye to my brother and dad before I leave, and go to school. My mom took me to school since I can't drive yet. Cant wait until I get my license....
I get to school and walk to the front office. I go to the desk and see a girl. She has blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Hey, what can I help you with" she says.

"Um I'm new here and I need my schedule" I say

"Ok what's your name?"

"Brianna Johnson" I say

"Is your dad Steven Johnson?" She looks up and asks.

"Yeah actually" I laugh "how'd you know?"

"I'm kind of a movie geek and your dads movies are some of my favorites, Run is my favorite" she says

"Really? I'll tell him you said that, Run is actually one if my favorites too" I laugh

"Ha. Well here's your schedule, looks like I actually have three classes with you!" She says. "I have 1st period with you so if you want I can show you around school and your locker before school"

"You don't have to do that, your working"

"It's fine, I'll just get Kaylee one of my friends to come. She needs the community service hours anyway, That's mainly why I do this anyway."

"Ok, as long as it isn't trouble for you. When does first period start?" I ask.

"It's not trouble at all, and it starts at 8, we should leave now so I can show you your locker" she says grabbing her backpack and leads me out the door. She walks me to my locker.

"Here's the code" she says handing me a piece of paper. I put in the code and open my locker.

"You don't have any books yet but as the day goes on your teachers will give u the books so I would just keep your backpack with you" she says

"Thank you. I honestly don't know what I would've done without you" I laugh "id probably wander around the school like a lost puppy"

"No problem, we were all new here and I know what it feels like to be the new girl so I'm glad I could help" she says.


"Oh there's the bell" she says "we Better go, Mrs Kelly HATES when people are late. She'll give you a detention on your 3rd time late, and trust me, you don't want detention with Mrs kelly"

"Hey I just realized I didn't catch your name" I say

"Madison Belle" she says with a smile.

We walk to class and Madison introduces me to Mrs Kelly. She seems really nice. She gives me my book and tells me I can pick any seat that's empty. I sit next to Madison. I look around and all of the guys are looking at me. I just smile when they do, so I don't seem rude.

"Wow I've never seen so many guys fawn over one girl like this" she says looking around. "not even to Kaylee"

"Kaylee?" I ask

"Yeah she's on of the most popular girls in the school, she could pretty much get any guy she wants, in my opinion, she's a bitch. You didn't hear that from me" she laughs

"If she could get any guy, doesn't she have a boyfriend?" I ask

"Nope, surprisingly. Her family is majorly rich and her parents don't let their little "innocent" girl date" she says making hand quote on the word innocent.

"Innocent?" I ask with hand quotes

"Well didn't hear this from me but she smokes and parties a lot, that's the main why she doesn't have a boyfriend because she can't keep one. She always cheats on them at parties when she's drunk" she laughs

"Wow" I say before Mrs Kelly starts.

"Hello, before I start talking I would like to introduce our new student, Bria-" she says before being interrupted by the door opening. He walks in.

"Grayson. Late....great start to the year" she says "just sit down"

"Sorry Mrs K, won't happen again" he says with a smirk and a wink.

He walks over and sits in the seat next to me. I will admit, he's cute. However something about him gives me the feeling he's bad. Besides, I should really focus on school. I mean, that's half the reason we moved I guess.

"Like I was saying, everyone welcome our new student Brianna Johnson" she says looking at me. All of the girls say hi and welcome to our school. A lot of the guys just look at me and smile weirdly. She gets started talking about what we need for her class, how she excepts us to act, etc. The bell rings and I grab my bag and leave to go to my locker. As I open my locker I feel someone tap me on my shoulder. I turn around to see Grayson.

"I think you forgot this" he says holding my phone with a smirk

"Oh um thanks" I say

"So your new here?" He asks

"Yeah" I say "I don't want to be rude but I have to go"

"Oh ok, what's your next class" he says with that smirk that gives me butterflies. No Bri you can't do this.

"Math, Mrs pa-" I say before getting cut off

"Mrs Palmer? Guess I won't be late today, I'll walk you, after all, we do have the same class" he says with a wink. We walk to her class and he introduces me to Mrs Palmer.

"If I were you, I wouldn't hang around this kid too often, he's a trouble maker" she jokingly whispers to me.

"Hey I heard that" Grayson says

"I know" she laughs "now I am a very fun teacher and I love my students, however, no slacking will be tolerated in my class room. We have a lot of work to do, starting tomorrow"

"Don't worry, I'm a good student" I say

"Well then welcome to my class! Take any empty seat, here's our textbook" she says handing me the book. I find an empty seat and go on my phone. I guess in this school we're allowed to before class. Grayson walks over to his friends.

I walk over to my friends. They are talking about girls (as usual.)

"Dude did you see that new girl...B-Brooke? No, b-Brianna. I don't care, she's hot" my friend Luke says. I shrug.

"You don't think so?" My other friend Jake says.

"No she's pretty hot" I laugh. I look back and she's on her phone.

"I have an idea. Anyone up for a game of DARE or DARE?" Luke asks. We all say sure.

"Ok let's see....lets go with my boy Grayson. I dare you to pretend to like that girl Brianna, she'll obviously like you, what girl wouldn't, then when she likes you enough, ask her out as part of your dare" my friend Adam says

"Ok, this will be easy" I say smirking.

Will she fall for his tricks? Or will she do what her gut tells her and not get involved with him?

Authors note:
Hey guys! This is my new fanfic, I hope you enjoy! Please spread the word about this! Thank you for reading. I will hopefully be updating my other works soon. I'm just trying to get this story started. (:

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