Chapter 3 - City Lights

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They reached Sydney and Shaun parked in the hotel parking before they entered the hotel itself. Andy felt paranoid. He worried someone would notice them, that they'd tell someone and suddenly media would be trying to flood them. Not that they were popular enough to have media on them, but Universal Studios were. Andy wanted them to be invincible. Invisible.

They dragged their luggage up to their room, Andy looked out the window to see their high-rise view of Sydney. He chewed on his lip for a moment, watching the sun lower behind the buildings as the city lights grew brighter. Shaun grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and opened it, taking a sip.

"What do you want for dinner?" Shaun wondered

Andy shrugged before turning to him "You know you have to pay for that water bottle right?"

"Yeah I know" Shaun laughed "It's only like 3 bucks"

"True" Andy laid off, stretching his arms before laying on the bed. He pulled out his phone from his bag, Shaun instantly took it off him, throwing it back in the bag.

"What are you doing?" Shaun wondered as Andy stared at him confused

"I wanted to see if anyone had noticed" he told him

"Give it a while" Shaun replied, putting the water bottle on the side table.

"...Do you think they'll notice?" Andy asked, Shaun shrugged

"Most people are so full of themselves they wouldn't notice, but considering our story is on the news. Yeah, they might" he sighed "You're not having any second thoughts are you? I brought us here as a safe zone so we could travel home—"

"No" Andy bluntly told him "I don't wanna go home" he shook his head "This is what I want"

Shaun licked his lips before flashing a smile "Same. So, what's for dinner?"

Andy shrugged "Want to go for a walk and see what's around? I don't want to pay $100 for room service that will give us food poisoning"

Shaun quickly agreed, the two got dressed nice enough for dinner in town. They walked out of the hotel and walked the streets, the two kept their head up, hoping they wouldn't get noticed.

"What do you feel like?" Andy wondered

"No idea. Let's just go to a restaurant" He told him and they kept their eyes out for a restaurant that called out to them

They passed many restaurants, but they were busy due to the fact it was 6pm on a Friday and they didn't have a reservation. But they walked along the streets, trying not to get too far from their hotel. They turned a corner and Andy noticed a JB Hi-Fi a few stores down.

"Should we get some CD's?" Andy asked "I doubt we'd want to listen to the radio and the same 5 albums you have in the car over and over"

"That's a good idea" Shaun agreed and they walked in the store, making their way to the CD's.

They both browsed up and down the aisles, Andy picked out a few from the $10 section in hope they would be good. Well, their album was released at $10 and that wasn't too bad. They didn't think it was bad anyway. Actually, they are so fucking proud of it and that's why they're angry. If they lost this court case, their career would be done for. They were never going to meet the quota.

Shaun and Andy met in the punk section, wondering if they should re-purchase an album they hadn't heard since they were kids.

"I don't want to spend money on something we have at home" Shaun told Andy who agreed

"Well check out the other albums. How about Twenty One Pilots? Apparently they're good"

"Maybe" Shaun hummed, picking it up to read the tracks. Andy grabbed a Fall Out Boy album, looking at that too.

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