chapter 4

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(pic she sent above)

Andys pov

I picked up my phone and opened the messages 'holy shit' i said as my breathing picked up as i looked at the picture felicity had sent me she was absolutely beautiful.

Andy omg what are you talking about your gorgeous

Felicity no not even the slightest bit

Andy well my breath was defiantly taken away by your beautiful face

Felicity aww well um thanks

Andy np anytime babe


Andy felicity?

Andy did i say something?

Andy common im getting worried now i see you opening these

Andy well bye i guess

He called me babe and i just panicked im not good at talking to guys and hes making this really hard for me.About an hour later i remembered i had left him on read "oh well its not like hes worring cuz why would he care about me anyways?" i said out loud to myself.
I unlocked my phone and saw *10 new meassages from andy*
"Shit" i sighed.

Andy felicity?
Andy did i say something wrong?
Andy common im getting worried now i see you opening these
Andy well bye i guess😕
Andy ok its been an hour pleaseeeee answer me
Andy hey
Andy heyy
Andy heyyy
Andy heyyyy
Andy knock knock

Felicity who's there😂
Andy omg your not dead i was so worried
Felicity aww im sorry i left
Andy its ok but can i ask why you did?
Felicity well I'm just not great at talking to guys well cute guys a matter of fact and you make it really hard to talk to you and well you called me babe and i got nervous
Andy aww well you shouldn't be nervous talking to me and i wish i could call you my babe all the time you cutie
Felicity stoppp your makjng me blushh😊
Andy well good
Felicity its getting kinda late dont you think?
Andy yea i guess so hey if your tired you can go to sleep we can talk later if you want?
Felicity yea id like that. Night andy
Andy night sweet dream felicity

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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