Few Weeks Later...

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It's been a few weeks since school had started. Amanda, Jaz, Kate, Mark, Steph and Angeline had formed a squad called the Coconut Squad. "It's just a temporary name, guys." Mark said reassuringly. Steph was looking somewhere else. "Who're you looking at Steph?" Amanda said teasingly. Steph looked at Amanda and blushed. "I was, uh, looking at Josh." Steph said, looking embarassed. "Did I hear you say you were staring at Josh?" Kate said, smirking with delight. "Wh-who invited you Kate?" Steph said, blushing harder. "Someone has a crush!" Mark yelled. "Really bro?" Angeline said, facepalming. Jaz just sat there, throwing "insults" at them. Josh then ran to their spot. Josh and I met in 2nd grade and we were sort-of friends anyway. Steph thought. He tapped Steph's head, aka a headtouch. He's always been doing this to her and she tried to headtouch him back, but he blocked with his arms and ran away. "I SHALL GET MY REVENGE!!! Be right back guys." Steph said and ran for Josh. Steph was pretty slow and Josh was like the Flash compared to her. "Too fast for ya?" Josh taunted, pausing for a moment, then running away. One of his friends, Sam, headtouched her as well so she ran after both of them! "Oh come on!!" Steph yelled as the teacher blew the whistle, signaling lunch was over. Josh was by the place where she was so she headtouched him. "Hahahaha!" Steph laughed as Josh chased her around the lower gym.

HIIIII!! So this is a book that basically is like a Life Story but with a few of my fantasies here and there 😂 hope u enjoy!!

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