Letter 17

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Dear bully,

I avoided you for the whole day

You noticed.

I was walking home in peace until you shouted

"Dian!" you called

I walked faster


I stopped dead in my tracks and faced you


"Why have you been avoiding me?" you questioned

"Your pulling the pity card on me" i stated

"Dian, i can exp--"

"Save your breath. I cant believe i trusted someone like you again"

"Again? Who else hurt you?" you asked

"Oh just a couple of people, friends, you and my parents" i said

Once i realised what i said my eyes widened

"What about your parents?" you asked, concerned

"N-Nothing, i just- i need to go" before i could walk away you grabbed my wrist

"Tell me" you said sternly

"No." i responded

You tightened your grip on my wrist and i whimpered

You just tightened it again

"Speak." you gritted

"My parents left me when i was 8 and i had to live by myself. My grandparents would send me money weekly to eat. My parents left me. You wanna know why? Cause they didn't love me, they didn't want me. Happy?!" i screamed

Your eyes softened and you released my wrist.

I looked at my wrist and saw the forming bruise from how tight he was holding it.

"I-Im sorry" you pointed to the bruise on my wrist

I looked at you with glossy eyes.

"Dian" your voice was soft

I ran with tears rolling down my cheeks

"Dian! Wait!" you shouted

I was crossing the road and saw a light coming towards me

Then it was pitch black.

Yours faithfully,

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