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John mustered all the strength he could just to open his eyes, seeing that he was still in a hospital bed but in more pain than before as it radiated throughout his lower stomach. The amount of pain he was in was just enough for him to close his eyes again but not before hearing the same beautiful voice he has heard for years.

"Hey, how are you my love?" John opened his eyes far enough to see a blurry vision of Sherlock with a beaming smile across his face and overgrown curls hanging lower over his forehead more than usual. John weakly smiled back as he closed his eyes again and responded with a simple "hey".

"How are you feeling?" The detective asked, taking his bloggers hands into his and gently stroking the back, his thumb grazing over the needle that was inserted into the vein.

"Like my stomach had been stomped on by an elephant." John managed to slightly sit up but not before sinking back down into the mattress and sucking air between his teeth in pain. "Along with the rest of my body." Sherlock chuckled.

The lifeless air shared between them increased until the impending question had to finally be answered.

"Sherlock, you know what I'm going to ask." John looked to his husband to see a pursed lip look of concern set deep into his face.

"We can go see her if you would like." John thought long and hard about Sherlock's offer, seeing both the bad and the good in it. He wanted nothing more than to see his daughter, but he also wanted nothing more than to stay in his bed and go back to sleep.

"I would like that." John answered, being taken into Sherlock's arms as he was set into a waiting wheelchair and taken down to the NICU. John's teeth clenched and his fists tightened with every inch and foot they came closer to seeing their daughter. They came to the door as Sherlock stopped and knelt in front of John as he rubbed his knees consolingly.

"Are you sure you want to see her?" Sherlock asked, looking into John's eyes for reassurance on his decision. John nodded his head. Sherlock got back up and took John right into the NICU.

She was laying in a glass tube with every kind of machine and tube attached to either her or the glass tube. Her chest labored with every breath she struggled to take as John covered his mouth and was on the verge of tears.

"Oh my God Sherlock, she's so small! She's...I-I can't." John hung his head in shame and covered his face with his hands. "This is cruel, I-I can't do this. I can't do this Sherlock."

"Hey, hey, it's okay John. It's going to be okay. The doctor's say she is doing great, developing faster than they thought. It might seem impossible at the moment but she might actually be able to come home later in the month. She's going to be okay. Violet is going to be okay." Sherlock sniffled, looking down at their daughter and seeing nothing but beauty in his eyes. He saw every bit of John in her and every bit of himself in her. Sherlock knew of what it was like to raise a son but there was something about knowing that this tiny baby girl was his baby girl; his daughter Violet. Their daughter Violet. But that he had no idea of how to raise a girl just made it all better, a new adventure for the both of them.

John raised his head and looked to the small figure that lying in front of him, seeing the scary resemblance of her between her two dads. He smiled as he wiped the tears away from his eyes and asked Sherlock to move him closer to the point of where his hands were touching the glass and he was peering into the chamber. A few dozen questions kept running through his head with every blink of his eyes and tears he has thought of shedding.

"She's...perfect. Sherlock, she's so beautiful." John reached over his shoulder for Sherlock's hand as the detective gladly fulfilled his husband's wish. They stood in silence as both of them adored their newborn daughter. "Yeah, I know she is. She looks just like you." The detective admired. John scoffed.

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