three . ( edited )

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"This doesn't feel right at all ." Amani pushed Justin away and shook her head.

Justin's hands still roamed up and down Amani's waist, Amani just wasn't ready and was smart enough to wait , Justin has had many experiences which was clearly obvious but Amani on the other hand has had zero experience .

"I'm sorry Justin but I'm just not ready for... this ."

"I understand, don't be sorry ."

Justin knew Amani didn't trust him and he understood why , I mean who would trust a guy like Justin Bieber aka "Jason McCann".


Amani's phone began to ring , it's been going off since this morning but she's been ignoring it which made me think it was that Xavier guy. I watched Amani in the corner of my eye as she picked up the phone and turned it off.

two can play that game.

"I'll be back later okay ." Amani put on her pink bomber jacket and black timbs .


I feel like I've been stabbed in the heart repeatedly , it wasn't that I was madly in love with her but I did love her and wanted her to be mine but I was right she still isn't over her ex boyfriend . It hurts . A lot. Why couldn't she just let me express my love to her ? Why couldn't she just let me love her ? That's all I want to do .


I know Justin's beyond livid , I've been gone for four hours without telling him where I was . He was right I'm not over Xavier and I just really need to break things off with Justin because he doesn't deserve to have his heart broken because of me cheating?

I unlocked his front door , closing it behind me then I walked upstairs and seen Justin watching his favorite movie stepbrothers .
He must've heard my footsteps because he turned right around and smiled . Why isn't he mad at me ?

"Why aren't you mad at me ?" I asked walking over to the bed .

"Because I know you're still in love with your ex boyfriend so just go be with him and not play with me ."

"I'm not sure what I want Justin."

"You can't have your cake and eat it too." Justin raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah I know."

"So it's either me or that filthy bastard ."

"Before that I have to tell you I only went out to dinner with him and then he took me back to his house and we talked. I'm being serious about this."

"I could careless because I already know that I have you hooked , so just cut things off with him and then we can talk relationships alrighty ?"

"You don't have me hooked ?"

"That's what they all say ." Justin smiled .

"What chu mean all ? , don't play with me Justin."

Justin smirked pulling me into a hug , he kissed me on the cheek down to my neck. I love Justin but he's honestly not ready to be in a relationship right now , I want a friendship between the two of us before we start an relationship.

"How'd we even meet ?"

"Well I just seen you at Josiah's party and he said you were single so I just went after you ."

"But why did you go after me ? I'm black."

"But you're beautiful "

"Justin tell me exactly why you want to be with me out all girls in New York ."

"You make me happy and not many people can do that , you're the only girl that hasn't used me for money or anything like that . Your love .. well the way you are around me makes me feel like I'm the luckiest person ever, your smile is what gets me through the day. "

"I'm .. you're so cute jay." I wrapped my arms around Justin's waist and laid my head on his chest.

How can I leave someone like him ? he's so stuck on me and it's so cute and Xavier is the complete opposite of that , he isn't affectionate and honestly he really doesn't care if I'm there or not but I practically grew up with him and kinda fell for him .

Justin placed his finger under my chin so I was looking up at him and pressed his lips against mine, we kissed for a while before I pulled away from him .

"I love you."

"I love you too Jay."

Justin hugged me again and kissed my forehead, it's like we're living one of those romantic movies where they just want to be with each other but it's just something that's keeping them from being together.


im not a romantic person but this is good.. i think . thank you TehPeaceMaker for basically helping me , go check out her books they're bomb .

- yasmine 💓

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