Love? Or Lie?

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Lie – Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression

Love – A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection

Love? Or…Lie?

How do you tell the difference?

How do you really know its love? It could all just be one BIG lie!

Well…that is life… you have to take chances, have your heart broken every once in a while and if it is truly love then embrace it and consider yourself lucky to have found it because love is rare to find especially in the era we’re living in now.

With every heart break you learn something, something about yourself, something that helps you move on and be wiser and stronger. With every heart break you lose a piece of yourself, a piece that you might find vital at the beginning when you are at the peak of heart break but once you slowly settle you realize it’s the piece that was holding you back, making you weak and you’ll gain so much more insight and learn to be more alert in order to prevent yourself from going through the whole drama all over again.

Memories is what hurts you the most, overthinking after that break up makes you feel like you’re losing control of your life, makes you feel as if your entire world is crashing down on you…Memories…stupid memories! You can’t help yourself though, you cry yourself to sleep, you starve yourself, put yourself through the worst scenarios, for what exactly? Why do you hurt yourself? You hold onto the memories you shared with that person, you think of what could have been, you feel destroyed and empty because all that happiness you shared with that person has been taken away in a split second.

In that moment you don’t think of anything else besides the break-up, the memories, the promises and you hurt even more. You don’t really look at the bigger picture! Life is all about ups and downs but it’s what YOU make of it. The hurt you feel, the life you live is all up to YOU. If you decide you want to be happy then you will, if you decide you want to hold onto the past and what was never meant to be then you will be stuck in the same place, going nowhere slowly, just living a miserable life and feeling worst.

Everyone falls in love at some point, but not everyone stays in love forever. You will meet different kinds of people, people who will promise you the world, people who you will plan your future with. At that time you’re too blinded by love that you don’t realize everything can end at any given time. One minute you can be so in love and the next…POOF! You find all that love has evaporated into thin air…just like that! Some may be lucky to get a reason behind the break-up and others…well not so lucky…others are just left in the dark wondering what happened, what went wrong? Is it me? Did I do something to cause the break- up? You can either choose to accept the break-up and move on and enjoy the life that you are blessed with or you can rot in the past and keep questioning something which the answers to will not make a difference to your life…its over! You just got to deal with it.

You got to always keep your feet planted firmly to the ground, you cannot at any time lose yourself in the process. You will be lied to, that’s inevitable, you cannot tell the difference between a lie and the truth – people have mastered the art of lying. You just got to hold yourself together and not expect too much from anyone, expectations only lead to disappointments. We need to realize that it isn’t the end of the world when a relationship ends, just take it as it was never meant to be and there are better things to come.

It all boils down to how you decipher the situation. Let’s face it, you’re bound to go through it but before you strain your thoughts and feelings on negatives, you should always start with the positives – you’re still breathing! You still have a life! You meet someone, even if your guard was up all this time, you eventually fall for them unexpectedly, someone stops trying or someone falls out of love and what do you do? Cry? Feel distraught? Why? You’re eventually going to get over them, fall for someone else and move on…So in other words there’s no point in sobbing over something that ended, just create a new start and move on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2013 ⏰

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