Bassoon x Bassoon (Nick x Lorenzzi) Pt 2

44 3 11

(Hey i updated finally!)

Nick's P.O.V

I look around to see who wrote the paper. I pick up the paper again and read the handwriting. I've seen this handwriting before. It's polar bear's. I rip it up and we continue to play "Wonderful" Gym. When they release us to get dressed I quickly head to the locker room to get dressed. After I get dressed I head out and I see Polar bear. "Hey Polar" I say, heading towards her. "What" polar says annoyingly. "Did you put the slip in" I question . "What slip?" Polar replies, looking at me in question. "It's your handwriting" I say showing her the bits of the slip. She takes it from her hand and examines it. "Well i did make it, But i didn't put it in there, that was a prank for another person" Polar retorts. "Wait did you guys kiss" Polar smirks, poking me. "No" I say, slightly blushing. "Awww you kissed Lorenzzi" Polar whispers, "and besides I won't tell, I am not that bad" Polar says. I see mel  and shinkle walk to their squad and sit down. Polar gets up and catches up to them. "Polar's gonna tell" I think. "Really you honestly think i'm gonna tell anyone" Polar thinks. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IN MY MIND" I shout in my head. "Look I was planning 4th wall humor and I figured that I would do this" Polar thinks. "Get out of my head!" I shout at her inside my mind. "I'm basically god of this story and I will do whatever the fuck I want, but since this is in fact a shipping i will stop this amazing power of mine" Polar thinks and shuts down the portal-thingy. "What the hell just happened" I say out loud. (I r don't know nick  _-_)

                          When the bell rings for fourth hour I get up and head to my locker to get my books for fourth hour. After fourth hour is...HMMM I DON'T KNOW 5TH HOUR????!????. After the bell rings to signal the end of a very boring and might i add long 5th hour and head to 6th hour after 6th hour I grab my stuff and head to the band room. I get my instrument out and start to put it together when I see Lorenzzi walk in. She gets her instrument out in silence. Shinkle walks in with Mel (the 8th grader) and Polar. They get there shit out and ask me to tune them. (ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!!). After they are all tuned I put the tuner away and get in my seat just as the band director steps on his podium. We start to play our scales.  After we all tune ( Tuning Sounds great...) We get out national at first strain and run it. After 10 measures or so he cuts us off. "Clarinet 2 and 3 at the eighth notes" He states, giving the -_- look at the clarinets, especially the front row clarinets. I put my bassoon on my lap and take my phone out to look at the time. "PUT IT DOWN" Mel whispers angrily. I throw mel a stink eye and quickly put my phone away and sit there bored. "Ok everyone now at A" He says raising his hand and we start. I fumble around the fingerings (considering that there is 10 buttons for a thumb that isn't hard). The Band Director cuts us off. "It's Thursday so we are saying till 5, so if you need, go grab something to occupy yourself so you don't talk" the Band Director states. I start to play on my phone as the Band Director works with the clarinets and flutes at H. 

                I am right in the middle of Subway surfers when my phone gets a text message. I look at the number and see its a unfamiliar number. I click on the number and text: "who the hell are you". I send it and a few seconds later it responds. "hmmmm i wonder who? I am in your section" It says and i look over to see Lorenzzi sitting on her phone. . "first how the hell did you get my number and second why the fuck are you texting me i sit two chairs away from you?" I respond and send the message. another few seconds later and Lorenzzi responds: "the first one is i have my ways and two because the band director will yell at us for talking. "why the hell are you even talking to me" I text back. "well maybe I got bored enough to actually talk to you *shivers*" she responds. "the feelings mutual" I text back. 

                 "Ye Banks begining to 10, bassoons, bari sax, bass clarinets, clarinet 4, and tenor 2" The band Director says, raising his hand. I quickly and quietly put my phone on the stand and play my part. "I need to hear bassoon 1, and tenor 2" He says. I hear Mel groan and plays her part. I get back on my phone and i look over and i see Lorenzzi already on her phone. I see Lorenzzi is already on her phone and i have a text. I wonder who? "Hey you find who wrote that abomination of a activity" Lorenzzi texts. "Yeah Polar did" I smurk, sending the message not telling her it was an"accident". "SHE WHAT!!" Lorenzzi texts. "Yep it was her" I answer. I continue to play on subway surfers when Lorenzzi texts back. "I can't believe that she would do that" Lorenzzi texts. "Well she is a polar bear" I say back.  "so how did you like the kiss" i text. "Wait why???????" Lorenzzi asks. "Just wondering" I respond. "Well to answer you gross question i did not enjoy it"She responds back. I smile,but i feel crushed a little on the inside. "Ok I was just wondering" i respond. I look over to see a very angry Mel. "What are you doing on your phone?! Mel angrily whispers. She doesn't know. "Looking up bassoon memes" I say. "Well ok thats alright but no phones." Mel whispers. I look at the time and its almost five.(Shortest rehearsal ever!) I start to close my binder when the Band Director quiets us. "Band, we did a good job today, we got allot of work done today and its five" He says, stepping off the podium, signaling us to go. I head to my locker to get my case to but my bassoon away when i run into Lorenzzi. "Hey watch it!" I say, setting it on the ground and I start to take my bassoon apart. "Well you can watch it!" Lorenzzi retorts. "Will you guys just stop fighting" Mel says, sighing. I put my instrument away, grab my backpack, and head out the door. "Hey why did you want to know about the kiss"Lorenzzi asks, walking with me. "Well...because I kinda like you" I mutter under my breath. "Wait you like me?" Lorenzzi asks, raising her eyebrow. "Well why you ask" I say, walking to the door. "Well because...." Lorenzzi trails off. "You like me, don't you" I say, looking at her. "Well kinda..." Lorenzzi says, looking down. "why the hell are you looking down" I say, lifting her chin up. "What are you doing" Lorenzzi questions. "Well I just wanted to see those pretty eyes" I say to Lorenzzi. Lorenzzi blushes as I kiss her forehead (TO CUTE!!!! ^.^). "Hey nick i got to go" Lorenzzi says hugging me. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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