Chapter 9

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**Jase pov**

The stairs were still collasping, Elliesha, Jay and Tyler were safely over and they were running out of the building. But the stairs half way collapsed which means jump it or stay here and die, well here it goes, i change Lilys position to a fireman lift i held her legs tightly and took a few steps back.... i ran as fast as i could and took the leap.... i just landed i did a small celebration then i heard a crack and the concreted stairs fell below.

We landed on the hard concrete i tried to move Lily on top of me so she would be ok as shes already injuried, but it happened so fast.
I looked over to Lily and there was blood coming for the top side of her head. I couldn't check if her pulse was still beating as we just had to get out of here quickly. I picked Lily up slowly and started to speed walk, i could her sirens so i knew i was getting close but then the worse happened and the building was completely falling. I could see the door i was just about to jog when the celling came through blocking the way out.
Fuck, why me, shit i repeated in my head continuously.

Then i seenwood placed where the window would be. I put Lily down gently and i started to remove wood it was hard to remove, so i stepped back and lunged my body towards the wood then push kicking it, it worked and most of the wood broke, i removed the rest of the wood with my hands.
I picked up Lily but not both of us could fit threw, so i shouted help a few time until and fireman came over.

He took Lily from me and handed her to the ambulance team, he then help me out of the building and guided me slowing.

""Sir, what is your name?"
"Uh.. Jase"
"Ok Jase how old are you?"
"18, sir"
"Ok how old are the rest of them as their in shock and nothing makes sence"
"Umm, Tyler the one that was unconscious is 17, Jay is 17 but i dont know how old the girls are"
"Ok, are you injured?"
"Nah im just a little sore from the floor"
"Are you sure you dont ..."

*in the distance*
"We've got no pulse for the boy"
"Sir, you need to stay,..."
I cut him off and ran over to the ambulance that Tyler was in.

He was just laying lifeless, i seen Elliesha crying into Jay, then I looked towards Lily , she looked broken and lifeless i could hear the ambulance team panick with Lily stating that her pulse was low.

*Beep beep*

I heard a sound of a car as i turned everything was black....

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