Chapter 1

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On this seemingly normal Wednesday afternoon after soccer practice, Chastity Anderson is shooting goals, one after another. Chastity kicks the ball, and misses, No big deal  she thought as she ran towards the ball. Chasity runs back in front of the goal and kicks the ball again, the ball hits off the edge of the goal post and into the net, the ball is no longer there. Ok, I must have missed it. Chasity looks behind the net and it isn't there,  Alright I'll just grab another ball, Chasity kicks the ball and it goes straight into the goal and disappears once again. Chasity investigates the net to see if there is a hole inside somewhere, she then finds herself inside what seems to be a strange room with a console in the middle, next to it is a man with his foot on Chasity's soccer ball.

"What are you doing inside my TARDIS?" the man asks. Chasity stutters over her words trying to come up with an answer to his question.

"Well," he pauses, "I'm The Doctor, if you're wondering," he says

Chasity looks confused and asks, "Doctor who?"

"Exactly," he replies with a grin  

"Okayyy, well I'm Chasity, if you're wondering," she smirks, mimicking him

"How do you feel about space and time travel?" The Doctor questions out of the blue  

"There's no such thing as time travel," she scoffs at him

The Doctor is silent for a while and throws Chasity her ball, "Well if  there was such a thing where would you like to go?" he asks walking around the console

" April 15, 2002,"

The Doctor pushes a few buttons, does a few things and tells her to hold on. Chasity holds onto the railing as he pulls down a lever and everything starts moving.

"What in the world is going on!?" she screams at him

After a few seconds everything stands still and The Doctor walks towards the doors, grabbing a beige trench coat. He turns around and asks "Well, are you coming or not?" Chasity follows behind him, very confused by what had just happened, Everything just moved and he's acting like everything is completely fine. Who is this man?


Well I think that went well, being the first thing I've written in what seems like a long time.

I am not very good at this type of thing as I am very bad at grammar and so forth.

If anyone reads this tell me what you think, always happy to hear good things and bad.

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