15. Jack Is Back

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"Is that?" Christian looked over Ana's shoulder when his view was blocked by a couple dancing "What's wrong Christian?" Ana looked to him, her face full of worry and concern.

"I just thought...never mind" he smiled reassuring Ana everything was fine. He was sure he saw someone, a hundred percent sure when he kept getting a bad vibe as if he was being watched "Looks like little Teddy wore himself out" Christian smiled at his sleeping son who lay on the sofa swing set in the garden with attached straps. Grace had been cooing over him all day and even managed to get several pictures of him in the space of a half hour.

"We should get going" Christian told Ana as she went to pick up her son. Grace came over "Oh no please stay the night I haven't seen any of you in ages" she looked to her son "Christian we have plenty of guest rooms and your old bedroom is now a nursery" she could see her son was contemplating what to do in his head when Ana caved "That's perfect, he needs to get to bed it's way past his bedtime anyway" she smiled at her mother in law who was beaming with excitement.

"Oh that's perfect. May I ?" she looked to Ana as she held her arms out for Teddy. "I'll put him down you come and say good night and get back to having a good time. You both need the relation" Grace then took Teddy and kissed Christian on the cheek.

"She's right. We've had one hell of a roller coaster ride of a year" Christian grinned "So Mrs Grey are you ready to dance with your eager husband before we tuck little Teddy in?" he already had her in his arms looking at her with so much contentment and love

""Why Mr Grey I am" she grinned back as she pecked his lips as he moved across the dance floor skillfully with her in his arms, his feet not missing a step. Ana felt like she was home in his arms as she rested her head against his shoulder as he held her as they danced away not minding the people around them. Elliot interrupted them during the middle of the second dance "Christian stop hogging my sister in law. Ana wanna dance with me ?" he flashed her a wink and grin to which she giggled "Sure come on Elliot" Christian was left on the floor when Kate showed up and he grabbed her "Christian" she slapped him in shock

"Come on now is that any way to treat your brother in law? One dance? Elliot has my Ana" he nodded towards the pair who was laughing at one of Elliot's jokes

"Alright Grey one dance" she rolled her eyes "So where is the little guy?"

"My mother is getting him ready for bed she said she'd call when he is being tucked in" he smiled a genuine smile at her and she couldn't help the grin that formed on her face "You no Christian you should smile more like that" she said and he blushed "No seriously I see why Ana loves when you smile she said I'd know a genuine one when I see one" he blushed a bright red "Would you look at that a speechless and a blushing Christian Grey, who knew?"

"Okay,okay. I'm still human" he laughed at her as Elliot and Ana watched their smiles and laughter

"How much you betting they are gonna kill each other before this night is over?" Elliot said jokingly

"I don't know Elliot, they look like they are getting along but if worse comes to worse my money is on Kate, no matter how many training sessions Christian has or how many hours he runs and heads to the gym that will not protect him from her." Elliot burst out laughing at Ana "I know have you seen her when we're out? I think it's sexy" he admitted loudly before blushing

"Don't worry it will stay between us" Ana laughed as Grace stood waiting for the song to finish. "Sorry Elliot duty calls" she kissed his cheek as she went to Christian's side.

"Give him a kiss from me" Elliot said as he went to retrieve Kate from Christian as they made their way to tuck their son in.

"He's all yours he is laying wide awake in the crib" Grace said as they went through the patio doors and up the stairs just off to the left hand side of the kitchen. Christian smiled as he held Ana's hand she was the same way.

They heard the fussing coming from the room. Christian opened the door gently and picked his son up cradling him for a moment. "Hey buddy" he kissed his head "Now you be a good boy and go sleepy for daddy and mommy" Teddy grinned and babbled when "ma" came out. Ana took him and kissed his cheeks "Night night sweetie. Mommy loves you Teddy" Ana placed him in the crib and Christian beat her to fixing the blanket on him. He gave him his old bear and blanket from when he was a little kid and Teddy settled immediately. "Goodnight Teddy Bear" Christian held his hand as the infant turned slightly shutting his eyes and falling fast asleep. "Come on he's sleeping" Ana held Christian's hand.

"It's hard to believe we made him" Christian said and Ana smiled

"Yes I know" she grinned at her husband "He's ours and we made him" Christian smiled back at Ana "You're right we better get out of here, he is stirring"

"Night night" he whispered before closing the door gently and shutting the light out. They failed to notice the man who was behind the walk in wardrobe door. As soon as he felt the coast was clear he opened the door slightly with his black gloved covered hands. He stepped out and stood next to the crib peering down and the four month old before him. "Well well well a mini Christian Grey" he whispered as he lightly moved his hand across the baby's face moving the child's copper hair from his eyes. Teddy stirred letting out a small whimper as he opened his eyes staring up at the strange man before him. As a four month old he doesn't understand the good and bad in the world, he's innocent in it all, in stead he smiled a toothless grin up at man. "Quite the smile Grey" Jack smiled back at the baby as he got a grip on Jack's finger "Let's take a little trip huh?" Jack picked Teddy up gently and wrapped him in a blanket and tucked him in under his jacket. He made sure he had a grip on him as he slipped out the window and down the drain pipe and off into the dark night as he left a single note in the crib

You ruined my life Grey now I am going to ruin yours

Game on baby bird.

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