"Timmy stay away from there you know not to go in there" said timmy's mom as they unpack in their new house, "but mom i wanna go in the crawl in space" said timmy as he holds his teddy bear. *sigh* "go finish unpacking timmy" timmy starts walking in his new room and unpacks but he see's something, he freaks out and screams.... "MOMMY!!!!!" she runs in "what happened" she sais with a worried face, he points to it with fear, "son its just a dead mouse its okay ill go throw it away" said timmy's mom. "Timmy time to go to bed" timmy's mom said while ready to tuck him in, "mommy, i love you" said Timmy, " i love you too son" she turns out the lights and closes his door, Timmy closes his eyes and tries to go to sleep, but he cant he hears whispers from the crawl in space saying, ~tiiiiiimmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyy~ ~let ussss outttttttttt~ Timmy was scared but he did it anyways, he opened it and they snatched him in there. nobody knows what happened but he woke up back in bed perfectly fine. "Timmy time to get up gotta get you ready for school" says Timmy's mom with a happy face, *5 mintues later* Timmy come on time to get up get ready" he doesnt wake up she gets worried as she trying to see if his heart is still beating, she gets really scared as she is shaking him saying Timmy!! come on Timmy please" She starts crying she takes him to the car and she drives him to the hospital, they take him in, as she waits for 3 hours in the waiting room they call her to go see her son.
" Timmy is in waiting" said the doctor, " waiting in what?!" says Timmy's mom with tears in her eyes.. his soul left his body he is still alive but his soul is gone, its physically impossible says Timmy's mother, "mentally yes it is but not quite physically, see ive had so many mothers come in with they're children with the same thing" says the doctor, she says how long will this be going on for? he shrugs his shoulders and walks away, 3 weeks later home from the hospital she gets even more scared, one night when Timmy's body was in bed, something opens the crawl in space door and a creature walks out, over Timmy's body breathing very heavily, as he gets his creature friends, they all surround him and take the rest of his soul, and the feed off of it.
the next morning Timmy's mom walks in his room and prays for her baby son to come back, as she has his hand on his chest his heart just stops.... she gets terrified she drivew him back to the hospital and the doctor said here call this guy i think he can help you, she calls the guy and he can see ghosts and creatures and spirits, etc... he said what house do you live in "619 strampers rd. " he said is there a crawl in space in your sons room, she says yes but Timmy isnt allowed in there. he looks at her with a face of doubt.. she looks and says "whats in that crawl in space..?
~After Dark~
Horrorthis is a horror book, about a children who basically dissapear this is a book worth reading ;)