Chapter One: Split-Crack Part One

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Chapter One: Split-Crack Part One

Bloody Billie, with an axe,
Gave his step dad forty whacks.
When he saw what he had done,
He gave his mother forty one

Bloody Billie. The name caught on quite quickly after the incident. Paired with the creepy poem, his story would become the most exciting thing to come out of the city of Oakland.

Stories never truly end, they just need someone to pick it up and continue it.

And thats exactly what Danielle did.

The story of Billie began 29 years ago. He was only 14 years old on the night. Bloody? Well, Billie's mother ran a takeaway shop and one morning it wasn't open. So a neighbour knocked on the door without receiving an answer. She tried again that afternoon with still no answer, so she went in. She's probably still having nightmares after what she saw.

The walls were covered in thick, clotting blood. The mangled corpses of his mother and step father lay in bed, body parts hacked off and unrecognisable.

Sometime in the night, Billie had gone into his parents bedroom with an axe. He didn't stop swinging it until long after they were dead. The cops found Billie in his bedroom, clothes covered in blood, the axe beside him. Wide eyed and totally out of it. The only think the police got out of him was

split-crack, split-crack, blood on the floor...

Kind of weird, don't you think?

Billie was sent to a secure unit- and sent right into the record books for youngest axe murderer. He got full media coverage for weeks, plus TV documentaries and even a book by the cop who arrested him. Yeah, and the poem.

Bloody Billie with an axe...

Things quietened down, and soon, you didn't hear much of Billie... until he got out.

He had been "responding to treatment" so security chilled out thinking Billie was recovering. He started responding like an actual human. But Billie was a clever 14 year old. Billie had a plan.

One day Billie had a toothache. He was getting taken to the hospital in the back of a van, the units doctor and a security guard in the front seat. They had stopped at a railway, to wait for the train to pass.
Then Billie went wild, foaming at the mouth. When the men ran around to calm him down, he took out the metal pole he unscrewed from his bed and knocked them both lights out.

Bille was a clever 14 year old. He faked the freak out by chewing on a piece of soap, and knew when to begin by analysing the train time table. He could hear them go pass his room, and he memorised it specially for that moment.

His face was everywhere again. And it seemed everyone used the same picture. The picture that was taken when he was being escorted from the murder house. Like a zombie, eyes blank, hair straggly, his face like stone.
He was quickly turning into the next Bigfoot. Fake sightings and made up stories, but no one had the real facts. No one knew what happened to him, until the next week.

The last anyone ever found of Billie were his shoes left on the edge of the bridge a little further from where the van was. The bridge ran over a large lake, indicting that Billie had jumped. The note that was tucked inside the right converse stated that he wanted to go on his own terms, and didn't think life was worth living.

The forces looked for his body for the next couple of days, but quickly gave up hope. The lake ran into a large bay. Billies body would be carried into the deep ocean.

Bloody Billie // Billie Joe Armstrong FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now