Chapter 1

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It was winter time in England and Katherine was awfully cold walking to school. She had her arms crossed and thick heavy clothes on, she tried her best to keep warm but the weather never allowed her to. She hurried quickly to school.

Once she arrived, she let out a deep breath of joy, feeling the warm air flowing over her keeping her warm. She pulled off her jacket, gloves and other winter items, hanging them on a small hook she had asked to be put up. No one knows why she had but everybody just went with it. She sat down seeing her graded test lying face down on her desk. She swallowed hard not wanting to see her grade. She knows that she doesn't do well in school. She managed to get the courage and she flipped her paper over. Her test revealed a 'C', she was devastated. She knew her parents would get onto her about this.

After class, she wondered if she could rid of the test paper. She snuck into the classroom and headed to the trashcan. She pulled out a small dagger she carried around, just in case there might be an emergency. Before she could even start, her teacher snatched her shoulder and turned her around swiftly. " Katherine, what on earth are you doing Child" her teacher asked shocked. " Uhmmm, Well, you see... I really didn't want my parents seeing this grade and-" but before she could finish her teacher interrupted. " You know the rules Katherine. Parents must see all papers" she said looking down at Katherine's hand. " Child, you brought a weapon to school" her teacher raised her voice in shock. " its not like I'm going to hurt anybody" Katherine said rolling her eyes. Her teacher gave a look pulling her away.

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