What Is Love?

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I've questioned love all too many times. Do you just say it because someone said it to you? Or because you actually mean it? What is love? I was always told that love is what parents show each other, but obviously I was wrong with my parents. Times have changed and it was difficult to find out what love was. Well until I was 11 I never knew.

Then I met this girl at camp. I was still trying to figure out if I really only liked guys or not. But damn, when I seen that girl, I knew what I was thinking was wrong. She had striking blue eyes. Big blue eyes that could make you fall in love with them. And I've always heard the saying " fall in love with their eyes, because you will have to look at them everyday and every time you talk to them. And the eyes is where it lies. Where their past, future and present all is." And yet it was totally true. I fell in love with her eyes and her completely. Just all I could remember at the end of each day as I closed my eyes to sleep were the look of her big blue eyes. And to this day that's how it is and always will be.

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