I Think I saw the girl of my dreams!!!!!!

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Louis POV


"Helllllloooooooooooooo," I say into the phone as cheery as possible, I wonder who's calling me, nobody ever calls me, ever, unless it's managment or Paul.

"Hey Lou, it's Harry," says Harry, HMMMMMMMMMMMM I wonder why he is calling me? I think I know why...

"DID YOU PROPOSE TO SARAH YET!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????" I shout through the phone.

"Yes, that's why I'm calling doofus," Harry says. "So I was wondering if you were free Saturday to meet the rest of the wedding party, Sarah is flying all her friends in from the states."

"Yea, i'm free," I respond to him.

"Okay well how about we come and geet you around 8AM tomorrow then?" Harry asks. 

"Yea, well I will see you tomorrow then, Bye" I say and then hang up. I can't wait to meet all of Sarah's friends! I hope they are nice. Maybe I can even hook-up with one of the girls, I mean come on I am single! I guess I should get some things done,  since I will be busy tomorrow.



Harry  and Sarah should be here in 5 minutes, I hope I look okay, c'mon I'm Louis Tomlinson, I always look good. I look out my window impatiently, looking for the black SUV he drives to pull up in front of my house. Then I see him pull up, he gets out and rings the doorbell.

"Coming," I shout as I run down the stairs. I open they door and he says,

"Ready mate," Harry says.

"Yup, lets go," I say as I walk out and close the door. Then we walk out to his car and I hop in the back. "HI SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!" I shout.

"Hey Louis, how's it going?" Sarah asks.

"Great, congradulations!"

"Thanks, we have to get the rest of the boys and stop at the airport to pick up two of the girls." she says.

"Okay," I respond. Then we start driving to all the other guys houses, and slowly as we picked them up we had to move to the back row in the SUV, Lastly we picked up Liam and drove to the airport. Quickly we arrived there, as soon as wwe got there Sarah got a text from one of the girls saying they were here.

"Louis, can you please grab me that sign right behind you please," Sarah asks. I grab the sign and hand it off to Sarah. "I'll be back in a little bit, now just to warn you, the girls might flip out when they see you. Bye." Then she hopped out of the car and ran inside. The boys and I made small talk about what was going on in there lives, Liam about his new girlfriend, the engagement, and Zayn talked about how weird Perrie had been acting lately, like she was hiding somehting from him. Then the doors opened and Sarah hopped in and the girls followed in suit.

"OH MY GOSH," squealed one girl as she hopped in the car, she waved at us and sat down. Then she hugged Liam, I"m guessing this is his new girlfriend.

"What?" asked the other girl a she hopped in. She was so beautiful, Long brown hair and beautiful blue eyes, she just seemed perfect to me, I think I saw the girl of my dreams.  Her face changed as she walked in kinda shocked that we were here, then she said "Hi."

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