Sleepy Kitty

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Edited by Chi: 9/23/17, Sep. 23 2017 First published in 12/22/15 Dec. 22 2015 

                  Echo's POV : I looked at Jake when I opened my eyes he looked really tired. I touched his head and felt sparks , then said, " Didn't sleep well?" He said," What * yawn*?" I said," Go get some sleep... pup" He didn't reply to my nickname and didn't question me being in my normal form when I woke up....He must be really tired and I guess I can go back to sleep, since he pulled me to his chest in his sleep. So I closed my eyes in his arms ,that made me feel protected..... I woke up to the hearing of voices and whispers, I got up and looked at Cave and Luke yawning. Cave said" Oh no ,we woke both of them up , we're dead meat..." I rubbed my eyes and said " What did you two do? * yawn* Its too early.." Jake said," They took a picture of us in our sleep..." I said," Too tired , payback later...*yawn*" I cuddled into Jake too tired to notice and fell back asleep.

                 Jake's POV: Echo said," Too tired, payback later" then yawned, and it was adorable, then cuddled into me and fell asleep. I felt sparks everywhere , and my wolf was jumping with joy at how close our bodies were. I whispered,in my alpha voice," Delete it or I will RIP your heads off when he wakes up.." Luke said," Can I not delete it and just not post it?" I said,while I was putting my fingers through Echo's hair," Fine but I will get payback." They said," Ok.." and left. After a couple of hours, I woke Echo up and said," Echo, time to get up , you can't sleep all day..." He said," Ok" then stretched as he got out of bed. Then he looked at me and said, " Well? Get up, pup!" I heard that nickname before... ow I was half asleep ... " I said" That's not my name... " He said," I give everyone nicknames...they just hate it when I call them that.." I said" What's Cave's and Luke's?" He laughed and said," Big Bro and Wolfy.." I said," Why couldn't I be Wolfy! Its better than pup..." He said," Cave thought of it ,first for Luke !" He then went into the bathroom to get dressed, while I put on my clothes in my.. our room , I thought someone was watching me when I was about to put my shirt on. I looked over and saw Echo blushing at the sight of me with out a shirt on since he was either asleep, or half way asleep, to know that I didn't have a shirt on. It was very cute, he then said," Uhhh.... g-go put on your shirt and stop staring at me!" I smirked and said," Like what you see?" He said," Oh... be quiet!" then went out of the bedroom. I laughed and put my shirt on. Echo whispered, " Mission Search and Secure?" I whispered,  " Yeah, we need to find a cat and a dog.." We separated and searched the whole house.. we meet back in the living room. I said," Found them?" He nodded his head and said," Follow me...." He had a big smirk on his face and had my phone... guess he couldn't find his. he said," They took my phone.." I saw them two cuddling , Echo took a picture and since they were watching a movie only Luke heard , he paused the movie and said," Did you hear that, Cave? " Cave looked up at him and said," Hear What?" We stepped out and Echo said," PAYBACK!! BEST SERVED COLD!" Luke said," Ok .. You win, but seriously don't post that..." Echo and I looked at each other then looked at them, I said," Ok.. its a promise from both of us?" Everybody nodded.

               Echo's POV :  I don't know how long it will be  till the White Claw come, but I really need a relaxing run in my jaguar form, and they agree with me. Nekos are different than Werewolves , we don't eat as much, and to find our mate , or master we have to see them or something like thatm but I'm different I can only tell if their my mate by them telling me, or when I'm in jaguar form . Wolves and Nekos show their true forms in the full moon, but Nekos also show their true forms in the lunar eclipses, and new moons, since we have 3 forms, Regular, Cat/Kitten, and Apart of the cat family. When everyone in the household was awake, Jake's mom made breakfast and Cave and I just had to stare at how fast they were eating like they haven't had anything to eat in 3 days. Cave just shrugged and said in our mind link," Let's just eat ,we don't want it to get cold... home made food is better than fast food, any day!" I had to agree with that the food was awesome. Cave and I went for a run in the near by woods north of the house, after that we went back to our house and stayed there, we didn't want our other friends to worry about us, that were over there. A person knocked on the door and said," Hello? Cave ? Echo? You home?" I opened the door and greeted Chi, she has brown hair and brown eyes with a sorcerer rode and a yellow shirt with a paint brush on it . She is the only sorceress or sorcerer that we know, we called her to get away from the White Claw for they were getting close on our trail, and she told us to go to her new home in Mississippi . We took the invitation not knowing that there were werewolves. I said," So what's up and how come you didn't warn us about the weres?" She looked at me surprised and said," The wolves are friendly here, did they do something to you ? If they hurt you, tell me and I will have a BIG argument with the Alpha , Ok?" Chi was one of our friends that we could trust for anything, When we first meet her, we were skeptical to tell her that we were nekos ,even though she defended us for almost the whole school year. We told her and she told us about being a sorceress. We trust her with our life, and she trust hers with us. Cave said" No but we did get interrogated, which would have been nice to know before it happened... I couldn't get out of that situation with out us getting hurt ,so I could only answer the questions." She said" You were vague weren't you?" I said" Of course, we are masters in being vague!" Chi said" Ok , well they are nice people ,so you can stay ? I don't see you two packing or anything.." I said" We get to stay as long as we want but Cave and I decided to go on our way when the White Claws show up.." She nodded in understanding and said," Let's go back to their house!" We got in her car since we didn't have one and it was a long walk in our form. She stopped and ringed the speaker. She said," Hello , It's Chi! Can you open up the gate?" A person, on the other end, said, "Yeah" Then the door opened. We went inside and she parked her car. Jake and Luke were on the porch and Jake said," Where did you two go?" I said," Out..." Cave said," For a run.. Is it a crime not to tell you?" Luke said," Yes it is! Never do that again without telling someone >....< We thought you were kidnapped or something! " Cave and I laughed and said," We can defend ourselves.." Chi said," They may not look like they can, you two,but they're pretty strong.." Jake said," Strong enough to kill a wolf? or a member of their tribe without hesitation?" This stopped Cave's and my laughter. He said," Thought not.." I got dragged into our room and Jake told me to stay their... I didn't want him to worry but I didn't like people telling me what to do ,kind of a soon to be leader thing, and my jaguar didn't like being told what to do even if its from our master.. I went through the window and went back into the house, got some food and then talked to Carroll , Jake's mom, We talked about how long Cave and I was running and how some of my ear was torn off. She seemed sad by how long Cave and I were running for about 12 years ( Cave's 18 now and Echo's 17, they were 5 and 6 when it happened) , She seemed more saddened with what happened that day, and said," Well at least, I know why you two are cautious around wolves." I said," Well its better to be safe than sorry.. speaking of which, how's the rest of the wolves doing?" She said, " Nothing much why?" I said," If someone gets injured then Cave and I have to leave, and fight our battle to get away.." She then said," So.. you were in music class first period?" I said," Yeah .. why?" She said," Was Jake acting weird?" I said," Like how? I didn't really know him , we were partners in a music assignment, and he was ... if I remember sweating and looked like he had yellow eyes every now and then... but then we were called to the office and he wasn't sweating or anything so I'm pretty sure, it was my imagination." She nodded and said, " Thanks.." when I left, something tells me, that I shouldn't have told her that... Ow well .. can't undo time..

              Jake's POV:  Where is he? I thought I told him to stay in here , the window... Did he really get out the window.. I should have known he's been on the run for a long time,I shouldn't have underestimated that! My wolf didn't like not knowing where he was, but We knew he wasn't in danger. I went into the kitchen and said," Hello, mom.." She looked at me angry and proud on her face, then said," How long were you not going to tell me that Echo's your mate? It's almost a full moon! You have to tell him..."I said," What do you mean?" She said," He doesn't know! I know that when he told me about you on the first day of school for him.. second year for you! " I said," Shouldn't he know ? I mean he is a neko..." Cave came in and said," No , he has to do something ......different.....for him to know his mate... and stop talking about my brother like he's an idiot , maim." She said," Sorry, but how come you know this..." Cave said," He's a different type of Neko.. ok?" We looked at him confused while he went out. Cave dragged Echo in while he wanted to go back to listening to music in the living room and said," Cave!!! If you don't unhand me .. I'm going to post that picture!" Cave let go of him,the second ,he said that. Echo got up and said," What's wrong, dude?" Cave said," I have black mail on you too.. but seriously you need to talk to more people in this neighbor hood." Echo did a quick comment saying," Like you've been doing...." he left and went back to listening to music. Cave sighed and said,"How am I going to tell him what to do ,when he doesn't want to do it..." My mom said," Don't you have a leader trait...?" Cave said," No, your thinking of Echo.. maim." She looked surprised and said," Echo .. has a leader trait....????" Cave said," No, only for strategy, BUT HE DOESN'T LIKE TO FOLLOW ORDERS!" Echo said, from the other room," I heard THAT ,Cave!" Cave smiled, as he went out and attacked Echo in kitten form. Echo changed and he was more blue this time and he tackled Cave. Cave went into his room and put some clothes on, and Echo did the same.. I wonder why he still had clothes on when he fell asleep as a cat and transformed back.. They came out and Cave said," No fair, I had the lead ..." Echo said," No ! You had a sneak attack plan while I could hear you coming.." Cave then looked at Echo and he nodded his head and they went out the door and transformed into a jaguar and cheetah.. I told Luke, telepathically with our pack mind link, and said," They went off, I'm following them , their heading straight from the house!" He said," On my way!" I then chased them, They were hissing at other cats and all their heads turned to me. They all changed back to talk to each other, with clothes on. I stayed in my wolf form. Echo said," Lets get this over with, shall we?" He was very serious and his voice boomed. The other neko, almost, nodded their head, but said,  with venom," Lets do this.. E.. C" The  nekos looked at one another as he said that. Then looked at me and smiled. He said," Got a pet, I see..." I growled at him, glaring at him. He looked and said," Odds are against me, so I'll see you two next time..." Then vanished. Echo said," He found us.... " then he sat down.. Cave said," We just have to run away like we always do....." Luke came and said," NO ! you're staying Cave! and so is Echo!" They looked at him like he was a crazy person... Echo shook his head and said," I run .. you stay, Cave.." Cave looked at him and said," That's why you made that promise so that..." Echo nodded and said," They'll protect you ,right Luke?" Luke sadly nodded his head.. Then Echo said," Then guess I'm leaving Cave , don't worry about me, k?" I changed back, put on my cloths really fast and held on to Echo... My wolf didn't want him to go and I agreed with him, he had to stay... with me... Luke and Cave smiled and transformed going back to the pack house while Echo was struggling to get out of my arms saying," Why? Why do I have to stay? What about my plan..." I said," Your my mate , Echo.. I don't want you to go...and it's saver to be with me, ok? I want to know that you're save... please stay" He nodded, not able to form words. He snuggled into me. I got up and cared him there after a while he feel asleep. I put him on the bed, I was happy , he was staying but I really wanted him to be awake so I could mark him. I sleep next to him and my nose was engulfed in his minty-sweet smell as I feel asleep.

(Future Chi....Man I didn't put a ',' after said, on any of them... Man, I mean..I know if any of my books deserves to be edited it's this one, but...*sighs* It's such hard work... looks over at words... No wonder, It's like I'm editing two chapters.. It's 2000 and something words!!!)  

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