The magic market

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The stall at the market was covered with an eclectic jumble of trinkets. There were candles, bunches of herbs marked as pot pourri, small bags of spices labelled "herbal tea".

Of course they were none of these things. As another with the Gift, the customer could clearly see that they were magical wares. Spells and charms, and enchanted brews.

"A meditation candle?" she remarked, her tone sarcastic. Any fool with half an hour's training in the craft would not fail to mistake it for a spell candle.

Recognising another of her own kind, the stall holder was apologetic. She was a plump little woman with small round glasses and a patchwork cape, your typical country witch.

"You know how it is with the market inspectors. Trades descriptions and all that. It's easier this way," she explained.

"And what is this?" The customer, a tall thin woman with the look of a raven, held up a little casket that contained a pink candle, a piece of ribbon, some rose petals and a small vial of oil.

"We call that our travelling aromatherapy kit. It's actually a love spell. I've always seen it as the reason for my gift to ensure that people find love," she smiled encouragingly. "My purpose in life, if you will."

"My own purpose in life is to ensure that they don't."

The plump little witch was taken aback. She knew there were sisters that preferred the dark magics, but it was rare to be faced with one so blatantly on the blacker edges of the craft.

"Perhaps you might like to buy one, at a reduced price of course?" she asked, shyly.

"I think not. You may keep your trinkets, they befoul the purity of the art," the raven-woman said, and turned her back.

Behind her, the country witch took a powder from a bag and blew it towards her. It glittered in the sunlight, as shining motes settled on the edge of the customer's long black cloak. Darkwards she might lean, but there would be mischief and moonlight for her tonight.

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