The first conversation

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She could be old enough to be your mom , said twain . She looked at him with a uncertain grin on her face. I want to ask you something but not sure if I ought to , Daquan said to Jachanae . Okay , ask me I might answer . Do you have a child ? She looked at in in uncertainty "what? No! Wait ... You thought I became pregnant so I came back to school ? Twain vent Noo she doesn't have a child ! Daquan replied to her question " yes I did sorry " it's ok she replied. This medium height dark , charming , clean , polite and handsome guy came towards the group of friends . Aye Chris ! You running for student council ? Twain asked him . Actually yes I am Chris replied . The guys talked leaving Jachanae sitting looking by herself . Chris kept staring at her . There was something about her that caught his attention . It made it quite obvious that she began to notice him staring at her . He had a few sketches of t-shirts design for the club members to choose from to purchase for important task . The guys looked at them . Jachanae asked to see them . Chris politely handed her sketch book . Wow . Amazing, your really talented ! These look great . She declared to him . Thank you he respond with a smile . By the meeting was to be dismissed he had Asked for her contact . She gave it to him . If you text me and I don't reply it's because I'm at training . She told him . Okay can I text you at 7 will you respond to my text ? She laughed "sure but I may not respond in time " Ok, Chris said .

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