Kidou's Return

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(Kidou's POV)

I never thought I could be here again.

In Raimon, I was chosen to be an exchange student for a while in Teikoku Gauken.After joining Raimon before their match against Senbayama.It's not just that I needed to fight Zeus. I wouldn't leave Teikoku for such a reason.

It's not like that I really wanted to be back here.

last time I was here, it was immediately after the FFI. At that time, I received some sort of grand entrance. This time, I told them to stop. I'm an exchange student, not a hotshot celebrity.

As I entered the familiar gates of the Gauken, I saw that the damage was already fixed. The time Zeus came to have a "friendly", just like the previous time, the Academy was basically... Well...destroyed. As a result, the pitch wasn't able to be used for a few months. From then, I believe that they have been training harder than ever to defeat them.

I approached the training grounds. My old teammates were practicing, as usual. As Teikoku Gauken,having that many losses were a disgrace to them. I don't know, but a rumour was going on that if they lost another match, they will be replaced by another Teikoku  team. I looked at Sakuma. He had been depressed for a while that the captain's band went to Genda instead of him. Also, according to what he told me, Fudou had caused him a lot of troubles, but he didn't tell me why. Every time I asked him that, he face immediately turned red, looked away, and did not answer that question. I wonder why. Somehow, he noticed me.

(Sakuma's POV)

I noticed Kidou looking at me, and immediately blushed red. "Ki..Kidou!" I exclaimed. I really wanted to hug him or something like that, but I just touched him. Luckily, he wasn't an image I saw by working too much, neither was it one of my dream fantasies. "Wh...How..." I stuttered. I looked at the other side, and Fudou was kicking a soccer ball, not noticing Kidou yet. Behind him, at the goal was Genda. He had a bitter face on, like he didn't want to see Kidou. "I'm here as an exchange student," he explained. "that's great, Kidou," I said, smiling and trying to hide the blush on my face. Kidou tensed a bit. "Sakuma, what's wrong? Your face has been red since I started talking to you," He asked. "It's... It's nothing!" I said nervously. "Then it's fine," he smiled. "Can you show me around the school? I'm starting to forget the details."

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