Chapter Six

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Sarah left the room with the other nuns. She was already dressed in her own uniform. Much to her relief, the strange trio had finally stayed off her when she had slept off and had only woken her up when it was time to go down for dinner. The dining hall was large but quaint and the ceilings were so high.

It reminded her of the dining hall Harry Porter and his fellow students had their own meals. The three sisters quietly led her to a spot on one of the long benches after collecting their trays of food which they sat down close to the edge of the long table, with two each sitting on opposite benches across from each other. It was like living the life of a prisoner in a crowded room, but Sarah didn't mind much.

She was however stuck with Yin sitting beside her while Anita sat across from her. The cheeky Asian offered her a smile before they all began to eat. While eating, Sarah scanned the room curiously. There were almost three hundred nuns in the large hall all dressed in black.

She was still observing the dining hall and its occupants when she noticed that there were different armed men standing aloof in small balconies above, near the doors below and a few more kept strolling in between the aisles, passively watching the nuns. The men were dressed in what looked like black guard uniforms.

Wondering why there were armed men in the convent, she lifted her eyes to scan above and her gaze soon fell on the same man she had seen on the roof top earlier that day when she had arrived the convent. When the unsmiling man almost locked gazes with hers, Sarah quickly looked away, pretending to concentrate on her food. Something was just not right about this place. There were just too many red flags in tis convent. It sure didn't look anything like it did in the movie 'Sound of Music'. Why were there men in a convent anyway? There were not even priests! And why the heck do they have guns?

"You shouldn't be caught staring." Anita who was sitting beside Florence, whispered to Sarah, craning her head in a low manner so that Sarah heard her. "It could get you in real trouble."

"Trouble? Are we not supposed to be free in here? And what's with the men? I thought convents only consisted women." Sarah couldn't hold her thoughts in anymore.

"Yes, you are right, but Sarah, you really don't want to find out, trust us." Florence answered, quickly casting a sideways glance at Sarah as she bit into her bread.

"And you ask a lot of questions too." Yin piped in "If word was to get out about this, you will be sorry. Your curiosity will only bring you unwanted attention, so I'd advise you quit it already! Being inquisitive is not tolerated here."

"If you guys will continue to leave me in the dark, then don't say anything at all!" Sarah indignantly whispered in frustration, unable to stand the women and their evasiveness anymore. She was fed up with being left in the dark and she was fed up of all their warnings too.

They all fell silent as an uncomfortable silence hung in the air. Finally, Yin heaved a sigh then spoke softly, "Fine, I'll tell you. These men are here for security reasons."

"What security reasons? Is the convent under attack or something?" Sarah asked.

"No, they are specifically here to make sure that none of us leaves the premises and it is also their duty to keep everyone in check and make sure that the peace and order in the convent is constantly maintained. And to personally reward themselves, they use us. They randomly select almost anyone they choose to sleep it." She flatly replied without lifting her eyes from her food which she was now fiddling with her fork. "That is what the men ae for."

"What!" Shocked, Sarah almost yelled.

"Shrrrr, keep your voice down!" Anita quickly shushed her, throwing wary glances around to be sure they hadn't gotten any unwanted attention. When she was certain that no one was paying them no mind, especially the men, she nervously wet her lips and continued quietly, "That's not all..." Anita added with a note of warning that there was still more to be revealed. "But for the love of God, please just don't draw too much attention to yourself!"

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