The Lost Boy

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*Peter's POV*

"Looks like its gonna be another sleepless night. Oh gosh, I miss my sweet Wendy. Everything about her. I just gotta build up the courage to go back. But what if she doesn't love me anymore or I'm nothing but a forgotten memory. Surely not she gave me the hidden kiss!" So many thoughts kept racing through my head day after day. As the Days passed which those turned into months I could never shake that kiss on the Jolly Roger. Something in it changed me and broke some kind of curse or spell because I'm no longer a boy. I am now a 18 year gentleman. And the weird thing is it doesn't bother me, because if I see my Wendy again. We could be together because I not a boy anymore. Oh I wish I could see her, if only I still could fly. But my happy thoughts went with Wendy.

Right around a year since I last saw her the depression crept in I was a mess. I recall crying myself to sleep most nights & I probably still would now but I've seemed to have ran out of tears. 2 years came around and I wanted to blame myself for her never returning. I'd do things to punish myself looking back I'm ashamed. And I have the scars to prove it. And oh Lord, 3 years rolled around I went to the mermaid lagoon the day of there years and I let myself be pulled in, I was full submerged & the darkness started to crept in when thankfully Tinkerbell pulled me out. She told me how would I ever see Wendy again if I was dead. That really struck a chord with me so much I changed my life from there. I retaught myself how to fly, have manners, & how to read. With Tinks help of course. Then finally one day I decided to held back to my beloved Wendy! And I almost did but I decided to stop at John & Michael's & the lost boy's window! I needed their help to know what to say to her how to act. I evened up pretty much living in their room. And all was fine until Wendy nearly walked in one day I wanted so bad to show myself but the timing & setting wasn't right. But just to know we were in the same room made my heart flutter.

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