Chapter Four

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Flames rise around me, devouring the small clearing. Flickering upwards and crackling, always moving, twisting into bizarre yet beautiful shapes. They're alive. And I created them.

Aunt Frances waves her hand and they fizzle out with a spark. It dawns on me that there are two options. 1, I am crazy, which is actually most likely. 2, this is real and I am not Roza Darling at all but 139F. I explore this possibility. If I am a changeling, then I will never see my parents or my brother again. I'm not the true me. I'm just some replacement they made do evil things, like shooting Grandmother. So if I'm not me..

Who is?

"Oh, you'll meet her soon, I promise you that," muses Aunt Frances, her fingers interlaced. She rests her head on her hands like she's thinking very hard about something. Probably something creepy. Like evil devilish rituals. Or homicide.

She snaps back into herself with a sudden, "Right. You'll be off then." 

"Off.... where?" She tuts and looks at me like I am the dumbest person in the world.

"Home. The compound. Your new home," says Aunt Frances, pronouning every syllable slowly as if I am deaf. Her eyes turn the slightest tint of red just as mine do when I'm angry. "Don't you understand? You can't stay here. You killed someone. The police are hunting for you as we speak."

"Let's just get things straight. YOU killed someone. You killed your own mother. Not me. Secondly, what if I just leave now? I could run away. I can do this. Change my name, dye my hair, I could start a new life! I don't have to go to your stupid new home. Just leave me alone!"

"You can't run forever, 139F. Nobody can run forever. No changeling has ever lived outside of the compound. Except.." She pauses, shaking her head.

"Except what? Except who?" I prompt her impatiently.

"Never mind. It doesn't matter," she says brusquely. She looks up for a few seconds, as if reflecting on something. Then without warning she starts saying something in a different language, closing her eyes and making these strange hand gestures.

"Uh, Aunt Frances? Wh-what are you doing?" Oh no, I think. Here come the evil devilish rituals.

She ignores me and I notice the clearing start tilting and spinning before my eyes. Is it a spell?

Aunt Frances finally stops. "I was opening the portal," she says, like that is perfectly clear to me. "This clearing's the portal to the compound. It'll take about a minute. Just relax. Hopefully you won't experience motion sickness."

"MOTION SICKNESS? Are you insane? You're sending me to another world! I have a lot more than motion sickness to worry about right now!" I shout at her, with the blurry spinning haze already turning my sight into a grayish blur. Aunt Frances laughs. It seems that the portal is rising higher and higher into the air and taking me with it. She looks up at me, and shouts something to me. Some advice, maybe. Great. I just missed what could have been vital information. "What?" I yell down at her. "BE CAREFUL! AND DON'T FORGET TO-"

I am jerked off my feet as the portal suddenly lifts off into the sky.


sorry for not updating for ages!! I didn't really know what to put in this chapter..

anyway, I'll try and put up chapter 5 before i go on holiday next week.. not sure i'll be able to update on holiday but i'll see if i can!!

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