Chapter One

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Dear Diary,

This is so awkward, its my first time using this and I don't know what to write about, if I should include personal information as it is my Diary but I don't want it to land in the wrong hands, like it happened last year at my old school. That did not turn out well, but before I tell you about what happened I am going to be telling you a little bit about myself and what I like. Gosh I sound so dorky, anyway here I go:

My name is Autumn Day (blame my parents)

My age is 16 (crazy time with all the exams)

I just moved away from Newcastle after a crazy mislead (to do with a diary)

My appearance I wouldn't say is unattractive but I don't get the boys

My hair colour is Auburn (dark reddish ginger, from my mum)

My eye colour is a dark hazel nutty colour (from my dad)

I have a slim body figure, tanned olive skin and I'm quite busty

My parents are divorced (thank god, all they did was argue)

My dad moved to Texas, America with my 2 brothers, sister, step-brother and 2 half sisters, so I am living with my mum

I have two brothers, 1 sister, 1 step-brother and, 2 half sisters (big family)

My hobbies are Photography, painting autumn styled pictures and doing landscape sketches

Okay, that's enough about me, as I am getting bored of writing all about me. Today is my moving in day and a fresh start I hope because in my last school I had a very bad reputation that had ruined all my chances of summer jobs, qualifications and clubs, I have moved far away so that I can ignore about what happened in the past and focus on my future. So, my mum and her boyfriend Ricky are moving all the boxes into the house while I am writing in my diary. Ha ha ha, I am such a lazy person. The new house I would say isn't small, its very big with 3 bedrooms, I wonder why three. Oh you got to be ... kidding me, my mums pregnant at the age of 43, is that even possible. I better get the biggest room or I wont be impressed at all. Oh dammit, I am getting called so it means I need to rap this up to a finish, sorry I didn't really get to talk much about my past and but if you are patient I will soon spill the truth.

love you diary from

Autumn xxxx

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