Well that settles it

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So like everyother normal person I will start by a intro! So hi! My name is Leah (lee for short), I'm 19 years old and strongly enjoy making people smile :) I work at Starbucks and have a secret double life..


Leah's POV::

I just started my first shift at Starbucks (my work!) and the customers seemed to be having a great time, laughing with their parents,couples kissing... Then theirs me being myself, no boyfriend and my parents died when I was a child! Pretty rubbish life!

*****flash back******

"Find him lee go find mr.right you know you will find him..." My mum whispered dying,

"...And never let him go" tears were streaming down my face, her eyes slowly shut. Screaming at her failed, my grandparents dying,my dad dying, my friends dying. I am not harmed physically but inside I am in pain. My family was dying.

******end of flash back****

My hand was burning looking down I saw the coffee cup overflowing whilst I was in tears. Sarah (my boss) came over to me she said I could have a few minutes outside. As I stepped outside the cold fresh hit me and people looked at me giving me strange looks.

A particular curly haired boy walked up to me with a warm smile,

"Hello I'm harry, are you okay? Would you like a tissue?" He said holding a tissue to me.

"Erm just family history, and thank you" I said thankfully taking the offer.

I wiped away all my tears he held his arms out for a hug so me being me I took it. I got his phone number and said thank you one last time, I went back to work and went back to my job.

*******after work******

I grabbed a McDonalds on the way back and ate, I took my iPhone and went on to the usual PicMyLove (fake I made it up so don't search) it's a picture site you take pictures of yourself and post it online.

I took a few sexy pics and nearly strait away got a message from ImThatBoyWhoPleasuresYou


- heya baby, I see you have a nice figure... Wanna get together? 😈


Heya maybe we can sort something out babe 😈


Tomorrow 5.30pm love? 😉


Sure babii x

So well that settles it tomorrow 5.30

----------------------------------------------- I hope you liked it my Quackies


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