Niall Horan Imagines (YOUR POV)

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1. "Niall, I've forgotten to pack my PJ's!" I yelled. "Just a second!" he replied. Within a few seconds, Niall came out of the bathroom with just his boxer shorts on, water dripping from his hair onto his toned chest. Wow. I never realised how perfect he was. I stood there, staring at those abs, speechless. "Like what you see?" Niall smirked. I suddenly snapped back to reality. "What? Pfftt! No!" I gabbled unconvincingly. "Mmhmm, right..." he mumbled. "So, uh, do you have anything I could borrow for tonight?" I asked, trying to stop my eyes from scanning his body hungrily. Wait. THAT'S NOT NORMAL, HE'S MY BEST FRIEND! I mean, he was being very flirty for some reason... BUT THAT'S NO EXCUSE! Ugh. He's just so beautiful. "Yeah, one sec." he said, walking over to his drawers.. still shirtless. "Are these okay?" he asked, holding up a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. "Yeah, they're fine." I smiled taking them from him. "Turn around." I ordered. When he had done so, I began to get changed. I put the boxers on, and then the t-shirt. As soon as I had pulled the hem of the shirt over my hips, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. "You look cute in my clothes." Niall whispered in my ear, sending tingles down my spine. "Do I?" I asked, turning round to face him, his arms still around my waist. "Yep. Absolutely adorable." he mumbled, his eyes flickering from mine to my lips. "Well, I have to admit, you do look pretty hot shirtless." I smirked, hands draped around his neck. "Oh yeah?" he breathed, "Yeah." I mumbled. "Kiss me." he demanded quietly, "Gladly." I answered, closing the small gap between us by pressing my lips to his and losing reality as I closed my eyes and enjoyed our first magical kiss.

2. I was laid in bed, fast asleep when suddenly, a huge jolt shook the bed I shared with Niall. I sat up in fright and looked beside me to see Niall thrashing around wildly, mumbling "No." repeatedly, getting louder and louder. He was having a nightmare. "Niall!" I almost yelled, shaking him awake. "NO!" he screamed, as he shot up. "Ni." I whispered, rubbing his back soothingly. He looked at me and broke down into tears, kneeling up and engulfing me in a huge hug, his arms round my neck and his face nuzzled into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and cradled his shaking body as he sobbed into the crook of my neck. It was strange to see Niall change from the protective boyfriend to the fragile lad who reminded me of a scared little child. It was almost heartbreaking. "Ssh, baby it's okay, it's okay. It was just a dream. Sshh, it's okay." I sighed, stroking his hair and kissing his forehead. "He took you." he mumbled. "Who?" I asked. "The guy. I was begging you stay with me but you left with him." he sobbed. I couldn't believe how much a dream about me leaving him could upset him. "Hey, sshh." I whispered. "Promise me one thing." he sniffed, pulling away to look me in the eyes. "Of course." I answered. "Promise me you'll never leave me." he mumbled. "I promise I'll never leave you. I'm yours. Only yours, okay? Pinky promise." I pledged, hooking my little finger round Niall's. He gave me a weak smile. "Go back to sleep now. I love you." I said, kissing his lips. "I love you too." he muttered, laying back down. I laid down beside him and pressed my back to hip body as he draped his arm over my waist. His warm breath, tickled my neck, sending me to sleep once again. How could I ever leave such a perfect boy?

A/N Only two today because it's late and I'm tired. These are my favourites so I hope you enjoy them too! Thanks:)


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