Chapter 3

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Chandra snapped her head up from her desk suddenly, desperately trying to stay awake. She hated her math class. It was way too boring, and she didn't understand anything to do with it. Finally, the bell rang, and the school day was over.

As she walked to her bus, Chandra spotted Lindsey waiting for her. "Hello again" Lindsey said happily. Chandra smiled and waved a little. It had been a tiring day, and she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to help Lindsey with homework, or go home and sleep.

"So how was your day?" Lindsey asked.

"Busy and tiring. What about you?" Chandra replied.

"Well, I've failed yet another history test. But that's why you'll be helping me today, right?"

Chandra nodded. Lindsey was a good person, if a little naive and childish.

The bus ride was typical, besides the fact that Chandra kept falling asleep. Only the feeling that she was about to fall on the floor kept her from actually doing it. That and Lindsey's excessive talking.

Finally, Chandra gave in and rested her head against her backpack.

After what felt like ten minutes, Chandra felt the bus slow down. Thinking it was they're stop, she rose up and looked at Lindsey, who was staring out of the front window with a confused look on her face.

Now looking out of the buses front window as well, Chandra now saw that they were not in front of Lindsey's house, but on the road near the forest. There was a car with a man next to it. He seemed to be in need of help. Typically, the driver would not have stopped, but the car was turned horizontally in the road, not allowing the bus to go anywhere.

Murmurs and whispers came from the other students. No one was sure what was going on.

The man approached the door of the bus, which the driver opened.

"Can I help you?" The driver asked.

"It depends" the man said with a deep Russian accent.

"Depends on what?" The driver asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you Americans partial to bullets?" The man asked with a cruel smile, before drawing a gun from his coat and firing into the driver's face.

Chaos erupted.

Screams of terror filled the air, as the man climbed onto the bus. Another man wearing a mask soon followed. The man with the gun rose the weapon into the air and fired, putting a hole into the top of the bus.

"Quiet!" He yelled. The bus fell silent.

Chandra and Lindsey were petrified. Lindsey shot Chandra a look of fear, and nervousness.

"Where is Chandra Van Der Linde?" The man asked, his Russian accent being the only sound gliding through the air.

Suddenly, he grabbed a young boy from the nearest seat, and threw him to the floor.

"Chandra Van Der Linde! Come forward!" He said loudly.

Chandra could only wonder why he wanted her, or how he even knew her name.

The man lowered his gun and fired into the boys head, blood splattering onto his face.

A tear rolled from Chandra's eye. Someone had died, because of her.

The man grabbed another person, a girl this time, and held the gun to her head.

"Chandra Van Der Linde!" He yelled once more. The entirety of the bus was in utter shock.

"No?" He asked, about to pull the trigger. Suddenly, Chandra stood up.

Noticing the movement, the man looked in her direction.
"You are Chandra?" He asked, his Russian accent entering Chandra's ears.

Chandra nodded silently. The man wearing the mask, suddenly made a grab for Chandra.

Putting her hands behind her back, he took out a pair of handcuffs and secured them.

It was then, that he felt a sharp pain run through his leg. Throwing Chandra to the gunman, he looked down to see Lindsey, biting into his leg.

"Get off of me, you American whore!" He yelled as he trying to shake her off of his leg. Chandra watched as Lindsey held on. It was like watching a starving dog fight over a piece of meat.

Lindsey couldn't hold on forever, as the man's heavy boot caught her in the chest, knocking her off of him.

The man with the gun laughed heartily. "Bring her as well. We might get double the money.

With that, the gunman hit Chandra with the handle of the pistol, and the masked man kicked Lindsey in the side off her head, knocking them both out cold.

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