I was just waking up to take my shower, as soon as I was about to take my clothes off my step dad busted in. He said "you already know what time it is, take them fucking clothes off" Paris said "NO! I'm tired of getting raped by you, I hate yo fucking ass!" Soon as Paris said that he came over and slapped her in her face. She flew to the wall, and she bursted into tears. Her little sister diamond walked in and said "Sissy what's wrong?" Paris said nothing baby, I'm fine. Around 8:30 that night Paris mother tiffany comes home and tiffany and jerry is fussing about lord knows what.. Paris just listening .. Then Paris hears some foot steps coming up to her room, its her mom she says "Paris get tf out, you always causing problems in this mother fucking house bitch" without saying anything back, Paris gets all of her shit up & when she's done she walks in her little sister diamond room and pack all of her bags. Before Paris leaves out she says " WHILE YOU CHOOSING WATER OVER BLOOD YO HOE ASS BOYFRIEND BEEN RAPING ME!" She slams the door and leaves.
to be continued..