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I'm super excited! I've been wanting to do this for the longest time, because I always get so random ideas, but realize they don't fit in NLU or faith at all...

These one-shots will be based on random songs... Like all of my stories...

So, whenever I feel like updating, I will.

Prepare yourself for some super sad stuff...

Love you!

Silence. Just me and the silence. Me, my aching heart, and the silence. No signs of the man who was supposed to come home before eight tonight. I glared at the clock, taking a deep breath in when I saw what it read. Half past one. My eyelids got heavier and heavier with every breath I took. Today was supposed to be our special day. But he decided not to come.

I guess I'd ended up falling asleep on the couch, or at least I thought that was what my back wanted me to know. I groaned as I shot up, walking straight to the kitchen to get some painkillers. I took a sip of water as I downed two pills at a time.

''I'm sorry...'' a small voice said, loud enough for me to hear it, but barely above a whisper. I turned around, way too fast, as my hand shot up to take a grip of the kitchen counter beside me. What was this?

''Yeah. You should be...'' I said back, not looking into the waiting pair of eyes in front of me. I concentrated on the corner of a carpet in the living room, feeling my eyes tear up a little.

''I – '' he started again. I did want to hear an apology, but at the same time I was begging him to stop talking. ''I don't know.'' he whispered. ''I just... I'm sorry,'' he choked out. I knew he was about to start crying as well, and as hard as I wanted to just tune him out or shout at him for not being here the night before, I couldn't help but turn around and wrap my arms around the boy. ''Scott?'' the smaller guy whispered, sounding scared.

''Yeah?'' I asked, kissing his head. I was so scared of losing him that every time he'd do something really stupid, I would just tell him it was okay, and he'd continue doing the same stupid mistakes.

''Are you –'' he stopped, and I felt my shirt getting wetter. ''Do you still – Do you still love me, Scott?'' I felt my heart stop beating in my chest. I couldn't think of the right words to say to him, so I just stayed silent. Which was the worst decision to make in the moment. The brunette quickly turned around and started to rush to the front door.
''Mitch, wait!'' I yelled, trying to take a grip of his wrist, but missing. ''I'm hopelessly in love with you.'' I whispered to the thick air after hearing the door slam.


Mitch didn't come home that night. Again. And to say I was worried was an understatement. Something made me feel like he was doing something really stupid. Again. And deep down I knew I'd always be the one to give up on the fight first and just let him continue doing mistakes. Again. And again... And again.

My eyebrows furrowed together when I heard a beep coming from our bedroom. I got up from the couch where I had been sitting for the last seven hours, just thinking about Mitch. About how precious and lovable he was. About how our hands fit together perfectly, about how beautiful he was. About how he would always say something that made my heart flutter like it did when we started dating years ago. Another beep. I walked towards the bedroom to see a screen lit up. Mitch's phone. Shit.

I quickly unplugged the phone from the wall and laid down on the bed of ours, reaching for my own phone in my pocket. I furrowed my eyebrows again when Mitch's phone kept beeping. I groaned and unlocked his phone, opening the messages. I shouldn't be doing this, a voice deep inside me said. But these could include clues of where Mitch might be.

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