He has a moment with your daughter

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Your little family was on their last vacation as a family of three, you were one month away from welcoming Samantha Marie into the world. Jai made sure that little Cameron still knew that he and you loved him just as much as the new baby that was on the way. "Mummy, can you carry me?" Cam whined as you walked back from the pool to your hotel room. You locked eyes with Jai... you were to far into your pregnancy to be caring anything but you hated saying no to your little boy. "You know what's better than Mummy carrying you?" Jai asked him. "What?" He asked sweetly. He crouched down, "Daddy's piggy back rides, I'll be the noble steed for the prince to ride back to his castle." As soon as Jai mentioned prince, Cameron was all over it. Princes were his thing at that moment. He jumped on his back so fast and Jai ran ahead with him squealing with joy. "Be careful Sweetheart!" You called towards Jai. He just ignored you, "I have to get the Prince to his castle!"

Luke: As a favor for his friends, you took Michaela and Stephan for the day to give them a little bit of a break. But all the twins wanted was to see their "uncle" Luke, he was their idol. You couldn't get yourself to say no to those little faces, so after feeding them lunch you called up Luke to see if you could come visit he and the boys in the studio for a bit. Of course, Luke was thrilled and wanted you guys to come right away. After your arrival at the studio and the twins getting cuddles from their "uncle", the boys had a break from recording. "Luke, sing me a song!" Three year old Michaela begged. "Of course!" He said, "Join me guys?" The boys all agreed and they began to sing Airplanes by B.o.b and Michaela beamed at them. As Luke sang he crept towards Michaela and when he reached her he gave her belly a quick tickle, making her double over laughing. You watched him with his "niece and nephew" and you were so excited for your future daughter with Luke... Little did you know that in a little over ten years time you'd have your hands full with a girl and a boy.

Beau: Your two older children, Drew and Veronica were in school for the day; it was just you and baby Jordan together for the day. As you fed Jordan her lunch of mashed bananas, Beau texted you from his photo shoot. I miss my babies so much, this is torture... :( "You wanna go see daddy?!" You asked your little girl happily as you gave her the last spoonful. She wiggled and giggled in her highchair, that was a yes. Within the next hour you two were in the photo studio to surprise Baau. "MY GIRLS!" He said with excitement when he spotted you guys and pushed his way through the crew to see his girls. "Jordan Boo!" He took her in his arms and kissed her cheek, making her giggle her pants off. "Beau, you have to get back on the set." Jai groaned at him. "Wait!" The photographer cried, "This is perfect for the spread... Beau Brooks: A Family Man." You and Beau shrugged, he didn't mind as long as he got to see his girls. Before you knew it, Beau was in front of the camera with your adorable daughter getting candid pictures snapped of them.

(James is yet again, another moment with his son considering he has no daughter)
James: After giving birth to Marco, you didn't get to spend as much time with your older son Colin as you used to. It worried you a lot but your hands were tied just from trying to take care of the new arrival. But Colin really didn't seem to mind, he just loved being with his daddy. They were a lot a like, sweet, warm hearted, stubborn, and playful. "We can watch Bambi after you take a bath Darling, you don't want to be stinky." James told Colin as the two of them walked up the stairs. "But Daddy!" He whined. "No bath, no Bambi." He shrugged, he was such a father... "Okay, can we use the strawberry shampoo?" He asked. "Heck yeah!" James said happily picking her up. The baby was finally sleeping so you stood by the door listening to their banter and giggling to yourself. "Daddy, you need to wash your face." Coli splashed around in the tub. "My face?" James gasped, "Why my face?" He giggled, "Your beard, it looks all dirty and scruffy." James then chuckled at his little boy as he rubbed sudsy water on his beard. You couldn't help but smile, you had the perfect little family.

Daniel: Tyler, your oldest, was spending the night at a friend's house so it was just you, Daniel, Talia, and Bailee for the night. You made a wonderful dinner for you and your husband, with the company of baby Bailee though she had already eaten. As you cleaned up, Daniel got Talia ready for bed, you could hear her happy squeals from the kitchen and you couldn't help but smile. Upon finishing you made your way upstairs into Talia's nursery only to hear Daniel talking to her. "Ya know, I was really afraid when the doctor told us we were having a girl." Talia cooed in his arms as if she was responding. "I know, isn't that ridiculous? I was just so scared of not being good enough for you. I watched your aunties grow up in a world where the media dictated girls' lives. And I worried that you would go through those same struggles. I never want you to think you're not good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough... But then I realized... you have the smartest mummy in the world and me... who will kill anyone who gets in the way of your dreams. So, I know you'll be okay. You'll be strong, intelligent, and independent just like Mummy, yeah?" Without any hesitation you burst into the nursery and planted a big kiss on Daniel's lips, "You're the best dad in the world."

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Daniels could just about make you sick.

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