Baby daddy

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Two weeks later.

I didn't talk to zack since he left the hospital and I didn't see James since the day of the accident. I'm at home in my room rocking Zakai to sleep. He's the size of a baby watermelon but I really love my baby boy. He finally closed those gray eyes and fell asleep. I carried him to his room and placed him carefully in his crib. I went downstairs to my kitchen and made a small bowl of popcorn and went to my living room couch to watch Home Alone 2. As soon as I got cunfy I got a knock at the door I said to myself who could this be but then again baby boy has been getting a lot of visitors. As I opened the door the man in my face bring back memories that I didn't want to be thinking about. "Well can I come in" he asked as he walked into my house "James what are you doing here" I asked I'm as my heart raced. " where is my child" he asked me opening my ice box "he's not here" I told him as I folded my arms "you know what I miss about you" he asked as he watched my every move over the rim of his glass cup "and what is that" I asked with a fake smile trying to get his mind off Zakai. He put his cup down and grabbed me by my neck on the wall as he bit his bottom lip "I miss kissing on you" he said forcing his tung in my mouth "James please" I said as he slung me on the floor creating a gash above my left eye from the marble floor "Zaniyah where is my child" he asked me as he took another sip from his cup "fuck you James" I said as I got up and spit at him "that's no way to treat your husband ZIY" he said catching me by my hair as I tried to run "let's take a walk up to our room baby" he said as he dragged me by my hair up the stairs " James please baby" I said trying to take his mind off Zakai. He stopped on the stairs and picked me up bridal style "I'm sorry baby" he said as a tear dropped from his eye. We were so close to zakai's room any sound can wake him now so I played along. "I forgive you baby" I told him as he kissed me. He carried me to my room and into my bathroom. He sat me on the counter and started to the tub. I know if he start the water Kai is going to wake up and cry "no baby lets just lay down and talk" I said as I rubbed his ear. He looked at my forehead " but your loosing a lot of blood you need to get cleaned up." He said as he turned on the water. "James I'm fine" I tried to say over Kai's cry but it didn't work " ZIY you lied to me" he said as my balled his fist up " no James don't" gco by a punch to the face " what I told you about lying to my face Zaniyah that hurt me so now I gotta hurt you" he said punching repeatedly as I curled into a ball he picked me up and threw me on the bed " where he at" he yelled at me as me and Zakai both cried loud " Zaniyah I'm not going to take him I just want to be in his life and be a farther to him I don't like when you lie to me you know I don't I never knew I got you pregnant I was drunk and high" he said sitting on the bed facing the other way. " Ziy just show me to his room man" I got up off the bed and walked to his room with James behind me "ziy I'm sorry" he said as he tried to hug me from the back "shut the fuck up" I yelled at him as I slapped him in his face. He pushed me against the wall and punched me in my eye I fell on the floor and quickly got up "you won't be in his life even if we're the last ones on earth" I said as I picked up his car seat and threw it at him. James was now laying on the ground hurt soo used that as my chance. I stuffed Zkai bag and picked him up from his crib. As I turned around James was no longer on the floor. I got to the stairs and on the second step I took I felt a hard shove. Me and Zkai my new born baby took a long tumble down the stairs. As we hit the bottom all I could hear was my baby boy's screaming and I could feel him shaking. Everything started to fade away I blacked out.

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