Chapter Eleven: Drunk Love

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"Aye, Chris. You alright?" Red asks.

"No, I'm not. Mom just called. She said Kristi isn't doing well."

"What's wrong with her?"

"Mom said its like she's dead on the inside. She won't eat and she wakes up screaming and crying for me at night. Her separation anxiety must be a lot worse than I thought."

"Why didn't you just bring her with you?"

"She has school and stuff. She needed to stay at home."

"Come on dude. Ever heard of homeschool? Plus, this'll be her worst birthday ever. It's in 2 days, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember."

"Why are you doing this to her? If I were you, I would arrange for a plane to pick her up and bring her over here right now."

"But I just can't-"

"Do you want her to get sick and go in the hospital? You did say she's not eating and anymore, she'll get sick again just like last time. And I think you have a bit of separation anxiety too."

"What? No I don't."

"Chris, I can see it. You're sleeping later, you keep making mistakes in rehearsal, plus you're walking around here like a bump on the log. You haven't cracked one joke since we left. You miss her." I guess he was right. I didn't feel like myself without Kristi.

"So what should I do?"

"Call over there and arrange for a plane to bring her over here. Then later we can get a homeschool teacher to teach her while we're traveling. Come on, they teach over the Internet now anyway. It'll be the best birthday present you can give her. Plus, it'll cheer you up to see that adorable smile of hers. See, you're already smiling just thinking about it!" I immediately wiped the smile off my face.

"Fine, I'll call." I say.

"Yay, Chris has finally listened to me! Guys, did you hear that? He's actually listening!"

"Shut up." I said, causing everyone to laugh. I went to the back and dialed Mom's number.

"Hello?" She picked up.

"Hey, I need you do me a favor."

"Sure, just tell me....Richard, stop. Leave her alone." The thought of him putting his hands on Kristi just made me angry.

"She needs to do something." I heard Richard say. "She dead I tell you. We should just go ahead and take her to the morgue."

"Richard! Kristi, why don't you go to your room? Okay, now what were you saying?"

"Listen, don't tell Kristi anything but I want to arrange a plane to bring her over here."


"Mom, you know she misses me. And I miss her. I'd rather have her with me. She'll be happy that she gets to spend her birthday with me."

"But Chris, she's my child, why can't I spend her birthday with her?"

"Because you know she wants to be with me. Tell her to pack some clothes and stuff and don't tell her where she's going."

"But Chris-"

"Mom, just do it. If you don't, I will get someone else to do it."

"I want her here with me."

"Fine, suit yourself." I hang up and dial another number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey, I need a favor."

Kristi's POV

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