Chapter One

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People say there's no one in the world quite like yourself. Well, I beg to differ. Did you know that there's at least seven people in the world that look just like you? Sure, the odds of meeting said person is slim, but not exactly impossible. Especially, if you have an identical twin.

And I do.

Here is where I go into some long drawn out speech about how we are nothing alike, and like completely different things. But, it's actually the opposite. In fact, maybe the only thing different about us is that I'm a girl and my twin is a guy. I have a twin brother and we have been glued to the hip since birth. We attend the same school, join the same clubs and sports, have mostly the same group of friends. I think the only thing that differs between us is that I usually spend my time at mom's and he, dad's. But, no big deal.

I see him everyday anyway.

Like I said, our parent's divorced. I live with my mother, she eventually remarried and now I have a step-sister, but my brother stayed with dad. Dad remarried at some point too. So, I also have a baby brother and two step-sisters from there as well. Debra, dad's new wife, is okay, but we don't get along all the time. Which aides to the fact I don't go over there often.

Well, that and the fact there is usually some client staying over. My father is like a safe house for those c to b-list celebrities. Because when the going gets tough, the famous start coming. It's something to do with a home-cooked meal, that just reels them in. My mom hated it when people would come and stay. Especially, if they didn't have the courtesy to pick up after themselves. My dad doesn't really mind and he apparently gets paid more for it too. He's actually just an event manager. The person who is hired by a person's manager to schedule events and make sure  things go smoothly.

I haven't stayed over at my father's in a long time, like a really long time. After my baby brother was born, they converted my old room into a nursery and the others are used as guest rooms when people came over. So, I'm pretty much kicked out in way.

East Argon High was a huge school. I attended there with my brother and one of my step-sisters, Erica. You could easily get lost in the school building, so I never really saw Erica around, unless she wanted a ride from me, but that was rare seeing that she used Andrew as her personal chauffeur. Andrew and I had a few classes together, but we didn't really see each other until lunch and then on.

Like I said, Andrew and I were glued at the hip. So, I was naturally protective over him and him me. I mean he made it an unspoken rule that he had to check out any dude who considered taking me out, which made my love life near to extinction. I had only assumed that when he finally got a girlfriend, I would be able to shine a bright light in her face and demand she tell me her intentions, but he didn't agree. Which is why he was dating Amber Carson.

The most annoying girl in Argon High.

Most loved her, but I couldn't stand her overly high-pitched voice, and flawless caked on face. She was sweet, if you decided not to read in between the lines of her compliments, but in reality, she was down right bitter. There was always some sort of attitude underlining her actions. For example, you accidentally bump into her. She'll smile and say it's fine, but give you the dirtiest look as you turn away. I would know, she acts like that towards me every single day. I think it's gotten better, and by that I mean she doesn't throw shade that much in front of Andrew, but she still bothers every being in my body.

Which is why I shuddered as I approached the lunch table. I clutched the edges of my food tray and took a deep breath as she clamped onto my bother's arm and sent a sugar sweet smile to Carrie, who was sitting across the couple. What a-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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