The Shadow Figure

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When the crucible crowd had dispersed, Al was left on the arena floor. He was just reloading his Iron, when someone a shot from a sniper rifle. He turned, and threw a knife. A figure rolled out, and caught the knife he threw. It threw it back, and Al got it in the shoulder. He grunted, removed the knife, and fired all 8 shots of his Last Word. The thing was hit by three, and pulled out a Thorn. It fired 1 shot, that hit the wall behind Al. He withdrew his First Curse and fired it twice. It was out after those two, and threw it at the figure. It gave a small, feminine gasp, and she fired shots from her Hereafter sniper rifle. The Arc energy bolts ripped through his knee. He screamed in pain, but stood up, even if his kneecap was shattered. His trusty shotgun, always on his back, was pulled off. Not by him. She aimed at his head, and readied herself to fire on him. Another sniper round cracked, and she fell, clutching her side. Her Celestial Nighthawk fell off, revealing a young, scared Awoken girl. She tried to run, but Al shot her knees. Two medics rushed to Al, and the girl was apprehended. But, she just.... Blinked away. She was gone.

Steele was grinning his usual, idiotic grin. The young hunter was a 'ladies man', and just spotted a 'legendary' rarity ass. He sauntered up, and gave a very suggestive smile. Steele couldn't help smiling around girls. It was his one, and only 'problem'. That's when the teamCOM asked for him. "Major Steele, report to hangar 0312 immediate effect." He sighed. Maybe next time, Ms. Awoken Warlock...
His team, Fireteam Enforcer, were in their respective ships in orbit. He was cleaning his Hawkmoon, when the ever most annoying Exo called over teamCOM:"Steele, I hope you don't chat up lady vandals this time," Izraphel said with a hint of happy in his voice, and probably smiling his damn receptors off. That's when Ella, a human warlock, came in to burn 'Izzy' by saying "but, Izzy, you can't keep your eyes off those vex ladies..."

James Brent was not ready to die. Yet, here he was, clutching his side, blood pouring from his breached hullplate on Armamentarium. He had been out on Mars, setting up a safe camp for guardians, the Reachlight. Him and his fireteam, Moonhoppers, when they were attacked by the recently de-kelled house of Wolves. His injury was the only one sustained, as he had been the one setting up Light beacons for Guardian resurrection. The gaping hole was rather painful, unsurprisingly. He was blacking out. All James could see was grey. His eyes began to close. "Death... Takes me..."
James woke on a stretcher. It was comfortable, white and definitely not guardian deployed. This wasn't Mars. It was earth, but more... Green. He was in a long-forgotten building, a Hospital. "Good morning!" A female voice said. James looked up, to see a woman with pink hair looking down on him. His arms were light, so his armour wasn't on. "Where's... My stuff?" He asked, confused. "You mean your pentagonal ball and the hammer you had when you were found? We put them in storage." "Who's 'we'?" "Well", the woman said, "New Mombasa General Hospital."

Hi guys! This chapter introduces the first OC, Katana. She acts like a git-Tana to Al... Anyway, that ending sequence is the setup for my unreleased halo crossover. And it goes 3 ways.

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