Chapter 3: School

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Tom and I have been friends since birth, baby pictures all over my room along with many others. By this time we were in 8th period on a friday, Art most hectic time ever. Art was my second favorite thing about school the first is study hall, in which i dont really study. I like to go down to the chior room and sing or play an instrument of choice. i never really liked the music of this day its wa all base and thats it no singing and if there was singing it was a very well unliked song... Maybe it has to do with the fact that my dad was in the biggest boy band in the world 15 years ago. So when we had free days or family nights we played old cd"s from that day, including Aunt Demi, Uncle Ollly, and Uncle Ed. When i was thinking of what to paint for our art project i was ripped away from all thought when i herd Tom. "Hello!!!! earth to Dracy?" he exclaims as he held a dirty paint brush to my nose. Turns out i let my paint drip all over my new shoes. "What's up?" he questioned my as he handed my paper towels. "Nothing i have just been having weird dreams, nothing to worry about" i say right befor the bell rings for dismissle. We went to our lockers grabbing our stuff then walking to our bus. As we were walking down the deserted hall way Tom put his arm around my waist, I smiled to myself. We take our seats on the bus, me on the inside and him on the isal. I looked out the window thinking of what to paint, when we both turned to say something our lips creashed togather. I guess he liked it cause he didnt pull away... but nither did I.Finally the bus stoped and i pulled away and stood up, as did he i forgot that it was family dinner/game night, and it was the Styles' turn to host. When we got to the front door he oped it for me and lucy, but winking at me. I blushed, I guess dad saw that because he cleared his throat. "Hi Uncle Harry.." tom says awkwarly. "Tom" dad nodded.

It was finally dinner time after many old games that all the adults loved, and which i have become very faund of lately. At the dinner table i sat next to Lucy and Tom sat next to me, grabbing my hand to pray which Uncle Laim did for us. When we said aman Tom didnt let  go of my hand he just slid it under the table. Half way throghe dinner, Zayn and Parries little girl, Prissy droped something causing her to go under the table to seek what it was she droped. About 30 seconds later she poped up, eyes wide and shouts "DARCY AND TOM ARE HOLDING HANDS!!!" That little brat!

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