➳ Chapter 1

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I was frightened of what the night had offered me while I was sleep.
The fear took over my body, there I sat at my bedroom door trembling with fear. Every night, repeatedly I felt the hand of a man slide his fingers softly up my thighs. Warm lustful, creepily gliding across my almost naked skin. And of course, my body reacted in the way I didn't want it to. This nightmare consumed me, I couldn't sleep. I wouldn't allow myself to sleep. I didn't want to.

Kingcardine, was a glorious city in the west coast. It was very large and populated, full of life. I Justine Cullen was about to attend Kingcardine High School in a couple of weeks, sadly. I'm now a senior and I moved before my senior year. My bedroom door swung open, my head croaked to see who it was. It was none other than my elder brother Carter Cullen. "Justine, why are you on the floor?" He questioned holding his hand out for me to grab.

"Maybe, I want to sleep on the floor." My arms crossed in defense. I couldn't tell him why, he wouldn't believe me.

"Well possibly if you don't want to sleep on your bed, how about you sleep in that hammock I installed with our dad four days ago that you have yet to use." Carter's eyebrows moved in opposite directions as he stood with a slight attitude that I haven't used the hammock I've asked for since the last house was a bit smaller.

"That's a great idea." I grabbed my laptop from the desk and sat inside my hammock, slightly it swayed forward and back as I went to see what was going on Facebook with my old high school friends.

People were going to the beach, having parties, doing drugs and slurping party drinks. There were having the time of their life the past two weeks of summer. I don't know when exactly school starts in Kingcardine but I know I'll make it count.
Tomorrow I'll go exploring this town and meet people. Well maybe not meet people, since seeing new people and meeting them makes me nervous.
Except zombies, I would rather befriend zombies since it's a higher chance they won't kill me hopefully. Or as a normal person would do around zombies, I'd run from them.

Carter left the room closing the door behind him, quickly I continued scrolling through my Facebook and found people quoting twilight memes.

"I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him." So sappy, yet the movie made it look good as a romantic quote.

I shut my laptop and kept my lamp stay on just in case something happened. Pulling off the white blanket off my bed I sat and found a comfort position to please my standards in order to fall asleep. "Goodnight, Justine." I said to myself.

Sleeping became a drug, I desperately needed it yet for the past two weeks I wasn't able to do it since I feared the man who climbed into my room at night. I feared hi warm hands, I feared the feeling, the sensational desire for him to move higher. My bed was my dealer and yet this time I couldn't be with it. It was contagious, every time in that bed I'd be trapped into a deep slumber. I was snow white, only a kiss could awaken me. But I didn't have a prince charming. I had a monster, maybe even a possible rapist who snuck inside and desired my body.

As my eyes shut I remembered everything over the past two weeks. You could say I should be happy, but there isn't anything to be happy about, since I obtained absolutely no real friends since I was in fact the lonely child who constantly carried her diary as her best friend. My best friend had all my secrets locked in between each page, written in non removable ink. All of the past days had me listening to everyone repeating the same thing.

"Have a good summer Justine." They all would say it like they actually cared for me. They only knew my name, not who I was or was about.

But only one snotty girl said, "I hope you and that Diary marry each other, you spend more time with that diary then actual friends." Snotty girls were girls who don't really know how to act if their parents were around 24/7. They were stuck up little girls. Yet in fact I had no actual friends, they never existed to me. I could associate with peers yet I couldn't consider them friends, only acquaintances. Maybe not even that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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