SEVEN ; The Truth

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Trying to update more often :)


"Come on, Shadow." Stiles called the grey wolf over. But she knew she couldn't cross or else the barrier would go up, showing stiles that she was a werewolf.

She heard the fighting in the distance stop. Either Derek and Boyd were safe or they got captured. Taking slow steps back away from Stiles, confusing him.

"Where are you going?" Stiles asked the wolf, but before he knew it she was sprinting to where Derek and Boyd were.

"Shadow!" Was Stiles last scream that she had heard.

Sorry, Stiles.


Howling she made her way to the two werewolves. She spotted many men on the floor injured, hunters.

She eventually saw Derek and Boyd sitting down and leaning against a wall, but they too, were injured.

"Shadow, what in the world are you doing here?" Derek asks as he sees the wolf walking straight towards them.

She was going to go closer, to comfort them but a bullet was hit right near her paw.

"Why is there a wolf here!" Argent screamed to the werewolves, who were terrified that she might get shot.

"Don't shoot at her, Chris. She's just a wolf, an innocent wolf." Derek told the hunter. Fay looked over to wear Chris stood with her normal blue eyes capturing his, before running to help her friends.

"I think I stopped healing." Boyd gasps out.

"Bullets. Laced with wolves bane." He tells his new beta.

"You gotta go. Take the car." He instructs Boyd.

"What about you?" Boyd asks slightly worried for his alpha.

"I gotta find Scott. Go." But Boyd didn't listen.

"Go!" Derek yells, making Boyd struggle to stand.

Fay immediately goes to the werewolves side so he can lean on her, even if it meant that her fur would get blood on it.

She didn't care she needed to help.

"Thank you." Boyd thanks the wolf and both began to make it to the Camaro.

Once she dropped Boyd off, she raced back to where Derek was and sits in front of him.

"Do you know where Scott is?" Derek asked, She sniffed the air but all she could smell was wolves bane. She knew he was in trouble. Going to Derek and biting a piece of his clothing to pull him up.

"What are- Hey! What are you doing?" But she kept on pulling him ignoring his shouts. Once he got what she was doing, he was running right next to her.

Once they both arrive Stiles was just crossing the line. "Hey" He says to Derek.

"Um, so we kind of lost Jackson inside. But it's... Oh, my god. It's working. Oh, this is.... I did something." Stiles tells the alpha, but he wasn't so sure if it was going well.

Then a agonising howl was heard.


She needed to go and help, running up she needed to pass that line.

Even if they find out she's a werewolf.

"What?" Stiles looks at her, as she runs.


A blue light was seen and Fay was thrown back into a car. She growls in response. She didn't care if her secret was blown, Scott was in trouble.

"She can't pass it." Derek gasps.

"Oh, my god. Is she what i think- but how, oh god." Stiles watches as the wolf tries for the second time but was again, thrown back.

Derek gazes at Fay and realises what she was trying to do. Even if she was a werewolf their, main purity was to get Scott to Safety.

"Scott." Stiles heard the Alpha say.

"What?" Derek looked at the human and began to shout.

"Break it."

"What? No way." Stiles disagrees, Derek was growing inpatient and Fay continuously rammed herself into the barrier, trying to break it.

"Scott's dying!" Derek says to Scotts best friend, but he looks at him in disbelief.

"Okay, What? How do you know that?"

"Oh, my god, Stiles, I just know. Break it!" The alpha yells. Stiles huffs but bends down breaking the bond. As soon as he does Derek and Fay sprint to where Scott was.

Derek goes barging in first with Fay following. They both see Scott on the floor, dying.

Derek was about to go help the younger werewolf but was attacked behind him by Victoria, Allison's mother.

"Get Scott and go!" Derek instructs the wolf and she did as she was told. Biting onto the collar of his t-shirt and dragging him out of there.

She took him straight to Stiles.

"Oh god." He exclaims and kneels down to his friend.

"We have to take him to the vet." Derek walks over and picks him up and taking him to his Camaro.

"What about me and...ah...Shadow." Stiles says but as soon as he said her name, he remembered. Looking towards the wolf who had her head down, he was utterly shocked.

"She's a.." He begins but Derek cuts in.

"A werewolf, yes. Probably explains why she wasn't attacking everyone, like a normal wolf would and why she couldn't cross the line of Mountain Ash." Derek spits. He was angry but he didn't really know why, maybe it was the fact that she never really told them.

"Come on, Shift already, Shadow. If that's even your real name." She looks up at Derek with pain in her eyes. She shouldn't of gone to help Scott, now all her new comrades might be angry at her. She looks back down.

"Shift!" Derek roars but Fay lowers her head even more.

"Derek!" Stiles yells at the alpha. He looks over at the human before getting in the Camaro and driving off.

Stiles eyes go to Fay's before walking to his Jeep. Fay closed her eyes, waiting for him to leave. He was surely angry at her to.

"Are you coming?" Stiles voice surprised her, looking up to see him with a sincere smile on his face.

"It's okay, I don't get grumpy like Sour-wolf. Even if you are a werwolf, I don't mind. But I think it would be better to shift out of your wolf form, you know." He smiles at her but she looks away. his eyes widen.

"Unless you can't shift..." Stiles sees her nod.

"Oh god, you can't shift out of your wolf form. Okay! Okay, we. We can fix that. Definitely, well hopefully. I'm sure it will be fine." He reassures Shadow, he looks up and sighs.

"Now where am I going to hide you, yet again."


Back at the clinic, Deaton aids Scott, while Derek sits down and heals.

"Where's Shadow and Stiles?" The vet asks Derek, who kept his eyes shut.

"Stiles is probably at home."

"And Shadow?" But Deaton didn't get a reply. Once he was done helping Scott's wounds, he turns and looks at Derek, who sighs.

"Stiles and I found out that she was actually a werewolf, so I left. I don't know if Stiles stayed with her or not." He admits. Deaton somehow figured that she was a werewolf but didn't really mind.

"And that bothers you?" Deaton asks, Derek's eyes shot open and stares back up the vet before sitting up straight. "Yes it does. She could've actually helped by shifting into her human form. It would've gone easier." He says before leaving to his hideout.

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