Sweet Dreams - Marilyn Manson

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We're coming for you.




You thought you could escape?






Your time is coming up.



Don't try to hide.



We will find you.



You belong to us.



The voices are coming from every direction. I can't see anything. Pitch black is all I see.


"Hello?" My voice echoes. "Who is there?"


"Don't try to run darling, you'll be safe in our arms once we get you my lovely daughter." My mother's sickly voice whispers around me. It felt as though the words wrapped themselves around me and were constricting my breathing. My heart started beating faster with fear and sweat formed on me.


"No! You are cruel!"


"Don't speak to your mother like that." My father voice boomed through me.


"Listen to your father."


"She isn't my mother!" I cry "And you aren't my father!"


"We will get you and you will regret ever leaving us in the first place."




"We're coming." Their voices were faint but still there.


"No! You can't"


"You can't" I sobbed as I fall to the ground and hug my knees to my chest. "You can't."


"You've been awfully quiet Jess. You sure everything is okay?" Ronnie asked me as we pulled out onto the highway.

Okay? No. Everything is not okay. I've barely slept and every time I close my eyes I find myself crying and praying that my parents won't find me. But I can't tell you my problems because that would be rude. You've done enough and I'm a big girl.

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