The day me and Starfire lives change forever

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Robin's POV

Sadly I wanted to stop it from being posted but all I could think about was star because she would've fell out if I chased Beast boy out my room and break his phone.  Then, it already too revealing my mask was off for a whole week.

Starfire's POV

I woke up to Robin having a depressed face so I said, Robin what's going on? Robin said, well in case if you looked on Facebook you will see what's going on. I looked on Facebook and I saw a photo of us just this morning but I said Robin it's okay the pic is out yes but we are going to be just fine.

Robin's POV

I said, yeah I know but I should of put a keep out sign though. Starfire said, and you think that was going keep him out? I said, well never mind about that let's go eat breakfast. Starfire said, not just yet Robin which I was confused what she wanted to do before we go in the kitchen.

Starfire's POV

Robin was confused about I wanted to so I just kissed him and he got what I was saying so he started to kiss me harder and tongue slid in his mouth and he did the same back really enjoyed this moment.

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