5 years later
Kae:August has been blowing me up I moved in to my own apartment and his mom have seen Kamiya
It seem like it was like yesterday that all that stuff happened with August and she talk about him 24/7
But I guess when he ready he can meet her but his mom love her and kamiya love her to and he have seen pictures of her and they look just alike but I tell her stories but she seen him on tv and she be like he look just like meKamiya:mommy i am hungry
Kae:what do you want but your granny coming over later
Kamiya:ok mommy can I wear me a Tu.-Tu.
Kae: yes do you think I should wear one
Kamiya:yes twins mommy
Kae:let's go get dress
August:man I am still in the game and I am not tied down I am just exploring and I have been writing songs but when I seen Kae post pictures kamiya look just like me and my mom have been going down there every weekend and I give her money to take them but kae never take it she just a self made I heard she a doctor and she going to law school I mean I want to see my child she 5 already but she want return none of my calls but I am gone get my mom to ask her can i meet her
Text convo
August:good morning was you going to Atlanta today
Mom;yes why
August;I want you to ask kae can I meet kamiya she want return none of my calls
Mom:yea let me call her
Kamiya:mom I am sad we have daddy daughter dance and I am the only one with no daddy
Kae:baby I know but I will come
Kamiya:but I want my daddy all my friends want to see him
Kae:we will see I am going on the porch go clean your. Room
Kae:hey mom
Melody :baby what is the matter
Kae:kamiya want her daddy to come to her school and he want there when I was pregnant so why should he come now
Hold on I have a beep don't hang up
Lori:August mom)hey baby
Lori:what the matter
Kae:it's nothing just stress
Lori:do we need to talk
Kae:Maybe later