Moonlight Howls.

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A/N there is some cussing in the book, not alot but a fare amount. I hope enjoy reading this book! :)

My names Merliah Tomlinson my best friends are Ellie Tomlinson and Calliope Tomlinson, yup that's right were sisters of Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. Anyways, were not waht you think we are. we carry a secret that protects peole or more like ourselves from the worst of our kind. One direction is part of that kind. Just kidding, were apck. Like wolves. were called the Moonlight pack. Louis is the leader, Caliope is the beta (secound in charge), Ellie and I, were the kids of the pack. 

"Merliah!!!" Ellie screamed. I ran out of the house.

"Ellie, What's wrong!!!" I shouted at her concerned. She smiled and handed me her phone, I looked at the screen and read, 

Ellie, Merliah, and calliope if ishe's there, 

it's time. Get ready, Liam's changing to fast were tkaing a month off  Harry's not to far. Get you arses in gear. 

  -Alpha Lou.x

"OMG!!" I yelled! "FINALLY!!" I screamed and hugged Ellie. We raced into the woods I howled for Calliope in the house. She came out of the house whilr Ellie cought Calliope with the information, I looked around the area, something seems off, about the woods.  I cought something out of the corner of my eye in the dark part of the woods. 


I ran over to the shadow, and  growled, another wolf growled back. I growled and bared my teeth. I turned into a gray and sliver wolf with blue eyes. I thought to the wolf,

"Who are you? and Who do you think you are, just come barging in through the area? The wolf came into  the light. It's Alpha no doubt, he's taller than the rest of us. 

"I'm Sam Ulley, I didn't come here to pick a fight with a bunch of 'girls"   He said with much venmon. 

"Well, Samis it? Piss off." I said He growled. By now the girls changed into there wolf form and came over, to see the commotion. I growled back, with much hatred. 

"I'm here to see Louis. So get the Fuck out of my way."  Just then brown russet wolf came from the trees. I stood my ground. 

"We don't associate with Rouges." I said and growled at the end of my sentence. 

"Were, Rouges were The Lapush Protecters. What the hell Rouges.?" He asked. I softned the scowl on my face. 

"You have the clearwaters with you?"  I asked. and then as soon as i asked Seth came from the darness. I stepped back. No, he couldn't be here...

"You know the clearwaters? Anyways not the point, we need to speak to Louis, our packs are in trouble."  I siighed in defeat. 

"Louis is not here, but your welcomed to stay he'll be back tonight. By the way i''m Merliah and these are my sisters Ellie and calliope, come lets talk as normal people."  I tried to negotiate, to show were not a threat.

"Agreed." I nodded and phased back into my human form with the girls hot on my pursuit  Sam changed and his pack, also changed. 

"Merliah.I said. 

"Sam, Paul,Jarred,Jacob,Seth,Leah,Brady,Collin,Embery,Quil" Sam said. Must be his pack. 

"Merliah,Calliope,Ellie,Louis,Liam,Harry,Zayn,Niall,Josh,Stan," I said naming OUR pack. "Were, the Moonlight pack Rulers of the UK woods." I stated proudly. He nodded Then there was a loud howl, Louis. 

The girls and i formed back to our wolf forms Ellie's a brown tan wolf, with brown eyes, Calliope's a black and white wolf with brown eyes. I we howled, to let our Alpha know were here.  We ran towards our alpha. with Sam and his pack in suit. "Louis, we have pther wolves called the Lapush Pack, saying they need our help."  I explained. 

"Laim,Niall,Zayn, and Harry are changing there going through, the phase of there first turn. Go." Louis instructed. We nodded and I looked at Calliope and Ellie we changed to our human forms, we got jean shorts and plain tank tops or in my case a lucky charms tanktop. We walked towards the woods deeper. We always let Calliope handle the Newbooies because, Ellie and I always lose patienece. 

"You got this Calliope?" Ellie asked smiling. I couldn't but laugh.

"DO you guys ever not make fun of the things i say to the noobies?" She asked rather irrtatied. I snickred. 

"Nope" I said popping the 'p' "It's funny." I added. She rolled her eyes. 

"Watch your back chcica, she could tear you to pices." Ellie pipped up. I nodded in agreement. 

"I know! And then she can just feed me to the vultures while she's at it!"I replied srcasticly. She laughed. 

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" We heard a male scream and few more after that. 

"It's happing...." Ellie stated. We nodded. 

A/N This is just a twilight mashup I dedcide that I just want write my own Werewolve and vamp story, there's more to come but caould i have at least 2 votes and 2 comments.


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