chapter 1

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Class was dismissed. Another hour and a half wasted and another hour and a half to go. Another hour and a half just wearing his clothes until he gets to actually hug him. Here he comes. Walking down from the back with the people he's supposed to like. To Dan, Phil stuck out like a sore thumb. Phil was a little sunshine with a beautiful personality but was always expected to be arrogant because of his boundless, thoughtless confrontational personality.
Phil walked past Dan and shoved him with his shoulders, which wasn't as much effort as it should have been, taking note of the fact that Dan was taller. Phil looked back and dan hugged his books tightly. He knew that Phil would cry about it later on, even though he knew it was their code. The shoving with the shoulders meant 'I need to touch you, I feel too distant' and the book hugging meant 'I need hugs right now. I don't feel up to socialising, I'm drained' which were the most frequently used phrases between the two, with Phil being clingy and Dan being introverted.
Dan staggered down the steps outside the classroom. At least it was lunch. He hadn't had breakfast again this morning. He never did, which always made him weak halfway through the day. He could feel Phil's concerned gaze on his back as he carefully walked to the cantine to get himself some food.
That was Dan's daily routine; have lesson, bump into Phil, hobble off to get food, have lesson, go home, avoid flying objects and argument invitations, stare into the empty cupboards, go to his room, cry and wait for Phil. Pretty dreary life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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