Chapter 1

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Adam's POV

"Jeez how long does it take to walk five blocks?" I muttered out loud, checking my watch as I drummed my fingers against the stone wall behind me.

I was leaning against the stone side of an old fountain that stood in the centre of a small park. The pale beige rim caked with moss after so long. Looking into the water at the base of the fountain, I could see several small silver coins sitting on the bottom, each contained within a thin layer of grime.

'I guess they've been there for a long time...' I thought. The things you notice when your bored.

"Hey!" A familar voice called out as I looked up, smiling as I recognised the owner of the voice to be my partner Ty.

Ty had dark brown hair under a pair of black and green headphones, styled so it covered one of his light red eyes. He wore a plain white v neck under a bright green trench coat, a small band of bright purple going through the middle of the jacket and on the lining on the bottom and the sleeves. He had grey pants on and black and purple runners. A large, straight, double edged diamond sword hung in it's sheath at his waist.

Aside from his headphones and his colour scheme, he was dressed exactly like me. The only difference was that I wore a pair of sunglasses, a gold and purple amulet, a golden sword and a colour scheme mainly containing black, grey and yellow.

"What took you so long?!" I laughed as he ran up to me, panting.

"Everything... Slept in, traffic, the weird guy that lives in the apartment under me." Ty sighed.

I laughed "Wow... Why does that guy keep bothering you?"

"How should I know?" Ty asked, rolling his eyes "So what's our job now?"

I smiled and pulled out my phone, opening up the job list on it and reading it out loud. "We have an emergency contact from Sparkles Tech. Apparently the entire server on the third floor has been infiltrated by a virus and is destroying a bunch of important files."

"Anything else?"

I kept reading and finally said "Yeah, apparently they're having a conference to plan about launching a new game sometime and the files for that game are on the third floor so they need us to make sure they aren't corrupted for the conference."

"They do realise we're just glitches right? Not programmers..." Ty said "If they're corrupted when we get there then we need to destroy them."

"Let's not tell them that..." I said, putting my phone back in my pocket.

Ty nodded "Agreed. So where is Sparkles Tech again?"

"Uhh... A few blocks away I think, I remember it has the large 'S' logo on the front." I said.

"So to Sparkles Tech?"

"To Sparkles Tech."


Sparkles Tech was a very all building.

Then again, most of the buildings these days were. It seemed to be made of black glass and metal, going straight up covering 30 floors at least. The large logo of the company was plastered above the entrance for Everton on the sidewalk could see.

Ty looked over at me and nodded as we both headed inside, the receptionist looked up at us and nodded, recognising our uniforms and directing us to the nearest elevators "Mr Sparkles is waiting for you on the third floor."

"Thank you." I said to her as the two of us walked over to the elevators and got inside one, two other workers getting in as well. One getting off at the second floor and one waiting for the twelfth floor.

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