Is that Scar?

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Chapter 3

Scarlett's POV

I got out of the car as we pulled up to Joe's place. I started to walk to the back of the car when i was suddenly eating dirt.

"What the-"

"Oh my gosh your finally back!!" Josh said from on top of me.

"You had to tackle me to the floor?" i laughed. That's when i saw Emily running out to me followed by Joe.

" Hey Scarlett! We missed you!" Emily said helping me up and giving me a hug.

"Its good to be back."

"Damn what do you have in here!" Joe asked when he pulled my suitcase out of the trunk. He came over and kissed my forehead and then we started to walk towards their new house. Well i guess it was new to me. They moved from the pack house to this 4 bedroom Victorian house about 6 months ago.

"We have a room for you upstairs"

"Thanks Joe"

After catching up with them for a while me and Josh went up stairs to my new room.

"So when are you going back to school?"

"On Monday"

"Kaiden is going to wish he never rejected you"

"What?" i laughed "he most likely wont even remember me."

"Yeah maybe but if he does remember he is gonna wish he never did. Your fucking hot Scar!"


"Yeah i don't know what happened while you were away but you changed. You are a total badass now!" He was kind of right, i did change. My hair was longer and a dark red that went to my butt in waves. My eyes were a silver-purple color. I wasn't tall i was petty short. About 5"5 and i have been told that i had the perfect amount of curves. All in all i wasn't to bad to look at even with my scar.

"Well to bad because i will never foregive that asshole"

"Good. Cause if he broke your heart again then i would have to kill him and that's not good cause he is the future Alpha King." He said with wide eyes.

"Don't worry im going to stay far away from him."


I woke up to a loud buzzing. Groaning i hit my alarm clock breaking it into a million pieces and rolled out of bed. Jumping into the shower i couldn't help but think about seeing Kaiden again. I wanted to just go up to him and clock him in the face. I pulled on a pair of skinny ripped blue jeans and a red tank top that stops above my bellybutton ring. i slipped on my black combat boots and grabbed my bag and leather jacket. I had some eyeliner and mascara on and let my hair flow down my back in waves. I looked a lot different from what I looked like almost 2 years ago. I matured in my looks a lot and many wouldn't recognize me. When i got down stairs no one was awake so i grabbed my keys and went out to my motorcycle pulling my helmet on and hoping on to drive to school.

When i got to school the parking lot was full but i found my assigned spot in the front. Parking, i could feel eyes on me and new from the smell of chocolate and strawberries he was in the front with the crowd. I put my silver aviators on and ran my fingers in my hair. Grabbing my bag I made my way to the front doors of the school and straight to the office to get my schedule.


Kaiden's POV

She was back. My father said that the girl that stayed with Alpha Joe and Luna Emily had come home. He did not know that she was my mate and that I had rejected her. Something I regreted from the minuet I did, but I had no choice. My father pushed me to be the best Alpha I could be and I knew if I claimed her as mine he would not allow it. I couldn't let her get hurt. I remember all the times kids would make fun of her and I would hate it. If my father knew that I liked her than he would have gotten rid of her and it would be easy to get to her because of how tiny she was. She was a distraction that I didn't need.

"Hey man are you paying attention or is a low life like me unworthy of your time?" My best friend and future Beta Ryder asked.

"Shut up I was listening" I lied

"Whatever dude. So we going to the party this weekend?"

"I don't know. What did Brad say?" Brad was our other friend and my third

"Don't know havnt talked to him. I guess i'll do it at lunch." We were out front with most of the students waiting for school to start. All of a sudden we here a motorcycle, and see it pull into the parking lot, stopping at a spot in the front.

"Holy shit" Ryder said. It was Scarlett. As she got up her scent hit my nose. Vanilla and peaches. I wanted to run over to her and pull her into my arms. But I couldn't. As she walked to the front doors ignoring everyone, I realized how much she has changed. she is still tiny but her hair is long and I wanted to touch it to see how soft it was. She also had great boobs and a ass. The only way you woud know it was her was because of the scar across her eye.

"Damn she is fine. Is that Scar?" as soon as those words came out of Ryders mouth a deep growl came from my throat. I did not like him checking her out.

"Wow dude okay I get it! I forgot she was your mate." I only told him and Brad what had happened and they were pissed at first but understood why I did it.

"Shit this isn't good." I whispered

" No shit you havnt even been close to her and you are already growling at people."The bell rung and we went to class.


Scarlett's POV

I got my schedule right as the bell rang. My first 3 classes were easy. Brit. Literature, Algebra 2, and American Gov. were first. Then lunch, Chemistry, and PE. At soon as I left 3rd I went to my locker and saw Josh.

"Joshey!! I missed you!" I yelled as I  came up to him giving him a hug.

"First you saw me last night and second don't call me Joshey" he said with a smile. I put all my books away and closed my locker tuning towards the cafeteria. Josh swung his arm to rest over my shoulders and walked with me.

"But Joshey I loooovvvveeee yoooouuuu" I said looking up at him with a pout.

"Fine, just not around other people." he said laughing

" YAY" I said then pecked him on the check and went to the lunch line. I could feel eyes on me and looked over to crash eyes with Kaiden. And he was walking right towards me. Well shit.

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