Stuff I Thought When I Was Younger

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Imagine your younger self. Fairly new to the world, having no idea how certain events occur or what happens when you turn off a light. Therefore, in order for these mystery parts of life to make sense, you simply come up with a theory and just assume it's true.

I was one of THOSE kids.

So, here is what I thought happened to certain things when I was younger...

~ When I didn't know about how blood regenerated, I just thought whatever blood a mosquito took from you would be gone forever. And since I live in a state with a lot of mosquitos, I just assumed that's how I would die :/.

~ I used to think paper cuts only happened when a piece of paper landed on a pre-existing cut.

~ I used to think that candy was made of trees... why would I think that?


~ I used to think that having a butt crack meant your butt was broken.

~ I once thought that dog houses had little pieces of furniture inside them.

~  For a while I thought avocados were made of bird poop.

~ I used to think the lead in pencils were made of concrete.

~ I was watching Sesame Street once, and I thought the giant meatball on the TV would come out of the screen and get me. I think I am still traumatized.

~ I used to think that kids that had teachers as parents would have extra homework.

~ I used to think that the animals at Busch Gardens would just wander the park at night.

If you want, let me know what YOU thought when you were younger!

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