The disk

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So Casey runs to Becca's house, and tells her about the night. Becca offers to get Casey some cleaner clothes. Casey changes and she is wearing a tank top and  night pants. Well Becca notices that Casey has stiches on her shoulder. Casey didn't believe her. Well she looks at her shoulder and she touches it. It don't even hurt her. Becca had her mom examine it since she is a nurse. Becca's mom says it is a disk. Casey is thinking how did it happen?... She is trying her hardest to think about it and then she remembers that she went to bed early that night they must have did it to her when she was dead asleep.  She was over thinking, and than she heard knocking on the door. Casey looks very slowly trying not to have them see her. Well Casey gets to the window and sees it is them. she hides in the cabinet. Becca's mom answers the door and lets them in. Casey is trying her hardest to not be seen. So she did what she needed to do. She opened the stiches and got the disk out. She placed it in a bowl in the cabinet. She snuck out and went in the bed room. The men pushed her mom and she dropped to the floor. Becca stayed under the bed with Casey. The guys got to look in the  cabinet and didn't find nothing. The guys say she was there, so they look behind things. They find the bowl and the mom is already gone. She got the girls and told Casey she believed her. Casey said it is fine. Then they all got in the car and drove off. The men didn't even no they left. So they were safe for a little bit. Than Becca's mom noticed the same truck drive right past  them... She wasn't trying to stare at them so she went the other way. Than she noticed they turned around and they drove really fast. Casey told her to stop the car so they wouldnt be in danger... So she stopped and Casey got out and  ran for her life.

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