Part One - Rebirth

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Chapter One

The corpse screamed silently as it came to life. It clutched at its chest, gasping for air. Flesh morphed and bone cracked. The corpse had begun to recreate the image of its new host. It had slowly begun to resemble a woman. She writhed in agony, her face contorting in and out of shape as she screamed. This time her scream had voice, piercing the air, as her organs regrew.

When her skin had finished warping it revealed her delicate features. Her kind eyes surveyed the stone room as the scars etched across her skin like an artist's twisted masterpiece. She conquered the pain that wracked every part of her body as she sat up. Her lungs burned, breathing heavily as she readjusted to her new body.

She looked over at the woman kneeled in the doorway. She had entered during the transformation and waited patiently, head bowed, for her Queen to arise. 

"My Queen-"

"How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Elequin," she interrupted with mock annoyance. She grinned at her, laughing slightly.

"Right, sorry Elequin," she grinned sheepishly "I'll have someone bring you your clothes." With that she left the room, her footsteps could be heard fading down the stone corridors.

Elequin stood, taking a few moments to stretch. She took a few paces to the otherside of the room, standing before a mirror. She admired her womanly form and ample bosom. She ran her fingers over the new scars, they only seemed to add to her unnatural beauty.

A young girl quickly brought in some clothes, placing them on the bed, before hurrying back out the door.

Elequin proceeded to dress, pulling on some simple clothing. Encompassing her lithe yet muscular form were various blades. Two smaller blades, sheathed at her waist and one larger blade, sheathed on her back. Lastly she pulled on a cloak, although it wasn't particularly cold, the rain was unrelenting these days. She stopped to caress the material. She enjoyed the soft touch, like a lover on her skin. This was her favourite part of being reborn, despite the pain, was being able to feel again. She was no longer numb.


The door to the meeting hall creaked open as Elequin entered, closing the door behind her with a soft thud. The room was empty except for a large wooden table in the centre of the room, it looked as if it could sit ten, or maybe more at a push. Before her were seated eight people, seven men and a single woman, bickering among themselves, that is until they noticed that their Queen had entered.

Immediately silence fell upon the room. Not even a whisper could be heard, just the crackling of torches that dimly lit the room, humbly flickering in her presence.

"You know why you have been summoned here tonight. We must discuss the happenings from the nearby towns and villages. We are fortunate. This mountain protects us, keeps our children safe. Others are not so fortunate. We cannot sit idly by as evil plagues the land, lest evil come knocking on our door."

Skyla watched from the shadows as Elequin spoke with the elders.

Damn fools, what do they know of the outside? They would send us to our death before they left the comfort of their homes. 

She thought as she sighed. She brushed her raven black hair behind her ear, glad that she was not the one speaking with them. She felt sorry for Elequin, and not just because of the elders. She carried a great burden as Queen, charged with the protection of their clan. To protect the secrets of their magic and her own command over death. That was the saddest part, she was unable to die. Some would call it a blessing, but not her. For her, it seemed like a sick joke.

How can one person carry such a burden? It seems so cruel.

Lost in her own thoughts she had failed to notice the elders leaving the room. Elequin approached her with a smile, she was greeted with a frown.

"The verdict?" She asked half-heartedly.

"We leave at dawn, Skyla," Elequin replied.

With a nod they left the room, neither of them speaking a word as they made their final preperations to leave.


Elequin waited patiently at the gate. She checked her weapons, then rechecked them once more. The sun had begun to rise, colour seeped into the valley as light crept over the horizon. Skyla danced around the puddles as she made her way to the gate. She was clad more heavily than Elequin, who wore little to no protection. She was clad in light leather armour, thick enough to offer some protection, but not substantial to absorb a full on blow. Although less muscular then her Queen she still had the look of a warrior who had seen her fair share of battles. Several daggers were sheathed over her body, with a large quiver on her back, peeking through the large cloak enclosing her nimble form.

Elequin nodded at Skyla as she reached the gate, an uneasy silence was in the air as the two set off.

The once golden dawn was now chased off by looming leaden grey clouds, threatening to consume the morning light, like a sickening plague draining the life out of its victim. Slowly it began to rain, as if heaven itself had started to weep.

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