Chp. 1 : who are you

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Andreas pov

It all started that day when I fell out of the bed ahh, my dad woke me and my brother up for a family meeting and trust me our family meeting wasn't normal I just laughed in my head and got out of bed and ran downstairs

AFTER  everybody get in there spots my dad clapped " I now  call this meeting to order " my mom stood up to

" your dad got a job as the new principal and we're moving to Texas " my mom said so fast but then as I relieved I started to jump up and down "OMG OMG OMG really " my dad nodded his head yes and my brother Jackson stood up

" cool there nice babes there " he said and everybody just started to laugh

My dad said we was leaving tomorrow so we had to pack tonight

I ran upstairs looking at my phone and looked at the time it was 8:00
I started packing from my closet then drawers and my bedroom stuff
After all that was packed I decided to get on Twitter
I'm actually really popular on there I have over 10,000 followers it's only because I sing and post covers of me on YouTube lol

It was getting pretty late so  I decided to take a shower and head to bed
The next day

I woke up pretty early because I heard the moving truck outside since I lived in Miami it would be a long drive so I put on something comfy like my under armor sweats and sweat shirt since it was fall

I walked downstairs and grabbed me and apple and then helped mom and dad with the stuff and before I knew it we was on are way to San Antonio Texas

As we arrived to are 2 story house and are huge pool in the backyard I immediately got out and ran into the house
I looked around and finally found a room with red wallpaper since that was my favorite color.

Jackson got his room blue and mom and dad got there room brown . I was finally done setting up the room and house and it took us about 2 hours but we got it done

I just Layed down on my bed until I spotted my old basketball I play it

My dad came in " Honey me and your mum noticed that you have been non socialies and we saw a girl and 2 boys outside playing basketball and we thought you should go join them "

I looked at him and then gave in and said fine and got up and went outside

I walked over to them but the didn't seem to notice so I coughed and they all looked up " who are you "

This is my first book and I hope y'all like it Uhm you should go vote and comment what I should do next and thank you guys so much love you goodnight

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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