Flashback (Luhan and Xiumin's past)

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18+ read this chapter because this chapter might talk about some stuff you might be uncomfortable with Reading.

*Flashback to years ago when Luhan and Xiumin were kids.*

"Hey, why're you crying?" A boy asks, coming up to Xiumin who was sitting down on a bench in a small park that no kids were in.

Xiumin looked at the boy confused. He was no one he knew, so he was confused why this boy was talking to him. "I-It's nothing" Xiumin says while wiping his tears away.

"You don't look so happy, talk to me!" The boy says in a smile, waiting for Xiumin to explain what had happened.

"T-The people in my class...w-were bullying me again" Xiumin says, more tears rushing down his cheeks.

"People in your class are bullying you...but for what?" The boy asks, confused.

"I don't think they like me...I don't know why" Xiumin says, sniffling.

"Don't listen to them, If they try messing with you again, tell me and I'll do something about it!" The boy says in a wide, big smile.

Xiumin nodded while looking into the boys eyes.

As the boy checked the watched he had on his right wrist, he then says "I got to go. I'm new to the neighbor hood and I have to finished unpacking" the boy explains while standing up.

"Wait...before you go, whats your name?" Xiumin asks, holding the boys wrist so he couldn't walk away.

"My names Liang...remember it!" Liang says in a smile.

"O-Oh, my name is Kim Minseok." Xiumin explains and Liang smiled.

"Don't worry Minseok, I'll protect you" he says in a smile before turning around and running away to go back home.

Xiumin could feel his cheeks heat up into a dark red as he looked down into his lap.

As the next day came, Xiumin was sitting at the back of the classroom, students throwing crumpled papers at his head and calling him names.

Once the bell rang, everyone ran to their desks to sit down and wait for the teacher to enter the room, some people still throwing crumpled pieces of paper at Xiumin.

Once the teacher entered the room, Xiumin's eyes opened wider in shock. The boy from yesterday, the one he met at the park walked into the room with her.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. Please introduce yourself to the class" the teacher says, looking down at the boy.

"My names Luhan, I came from China so I'm not too good at Korean yet." Luhan says, bowing afterward.

Xiumin had a confused expression on his face, thinking "didn't he say yesterday his name was Liang?"

After Luhan introduced himself, the door opened again and a person who looked exactly like Luhan entered the room, out for breath.

"S-Sorry I'm late, Luhan left without me. My name is Liang. I'm Luhan's twin brother" Liang says out of breath.

Xiumin looked from Luhan to Liang and was completely shocked with how alike they were. They were like complete replicas of each other. Xiumin couldn't even tell which one was which.

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